Chapter four: Panther

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Panther sat at her window looking out to all the guests gathering at the royal gates. One of them would have to marry her, apparently a king was required in this kingdom. Panther thought otherwise but had tried multiple times to change her mother's mind. She could rule the kingdom easily on her own, a king would just be another cat holding her back.

Panther inhaled sharply but certain.

Tonight she would ovoid her mother and stay away from the guests, in an act to stay un-married (single) and free of the throne, for now anyways. She thought a whole series of similar thoughts in till her eyes caught another set of eyes that belonged ghostly white cat. She reminded Panther of the painting, and that's when she realised that maybe meeting the guests, well one guest in particular, wouldn't be such a bad idea. Panther was lost in the distant set of eyes in till a knock sounded at her door.

The gates had opened and panther still wasn't ready for the ball. Magpie never failed to tell her that. "Panther dear, you must get ready." She said opening the door.

The Princess had told Magpie years ago, to call her by her name and Magpie never forgot anything, and since then had addressed her by "Panther" instead of  "Princess Panther". Magpie was a very kind handmaiden and was the real mother figure in Panther's life. All the nights that panther would cry alone in her room, looking out at the window; when her mother had forbidden something like, going outside, making friends, or going to school. Magpie was always there.

The only problem was, Magpie believed in the queen and thought her to have good intentions. This is always what she reminded Panther; that her mother loved her and their kingdom. Panther's dad was rarely around and wanted nothing to do with the Princess; he was always visiting other kingdoms building alliances or dealing with some issue which he thought more important than his own daughter.

Panther walked towards her bed where a beautiful red dress lay. She slipped the dress over her under-gown without saying a word to Magpie. Her handmaiden must've realised something was wrong so she filed the silence by asking, "do you think that one of those cats down there, will be of interest to you?"

Panther instantly thought of the spellbinding eyes that had looked up at her.

"It is uncertain, but I have hope"


Panther's dress shone in the light and her golden crown shimmered like the sparkling ocean. She walked towards where her mother sat; on her throne. The guests came in through the front doors, Panther could tell that they were wearing their best clothes, trying to impress her. But what she could also realise was the way these cats acted differently then the royal guests at the previous ball. They were astonished by the chandeliers and the marble floors, they were even looking towards Panther in a look of admiration. Panther knew that these cats were definitely more kindhearted than the royals. She wished she could be free like them, no one telling her what her destiny was, or having the pressure of an entire

"Attention all, I have requested your presence here tonight for the purpose of finding a king, since we could not find one of royal blood, let's hope there is one of spirit among you." The Queen was perched regally on her throne.

Panther's heart skipped a beat when she saw her. A silk blue dress gently hung from her shoulders, and dangled just above the ground. She was accompanied by a brown cat, who looked peculiar but joyful.

The mysterious white cat looked at panther and their eyes locked. Panther realised that she had a beautiful set of unusual eyes. A yellow and a blue eye stared back at her, Panther found herself lost in time. Everything around her vanished, except her..

Panther's heart plant sped up, she was unsure why.

The world came spiralling back to her. "Panther, go find us a king." Ordered the Queen.

As the princess walked down the stairs, "finding a king" was the last thing on her mind. As she was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realise until to late that she had bumped into a guest.

"Hey!" Cried a rather unhappy cat. "Oh- sorry, I didn't see you." Panther said back.

"I thought that Royalty ought to have better manners!" Replied the cat.

"Hey back off Cactus!" Yelled an unfamiliar voice. Panther turned to see the white cat standing behind her.

"Hello, and.. thanks for that."

"No problem, you should watch out for Cactus, he has a very short temper."

"What's your name?" Panther asked.


I have never seen snow but I assume that it's not nearly as beautiful as her... panther thought.

"That's a pretty name."

The ball music begun, and panther's mother sat uncharacteristically patient. She watched with a look of boredom and tiredness.

Should I take her to the garden? She'd like that, wouldn't she? What if mother sees? Oh dear.. Snow is so pretty.

"Is there any place we could be alone?"

Snow asked clearly gesturing to the, now dancing crowd. The ball music was playing and panther could barely think straight. She nodded wanting to be out from her mother's glare.

As they snuck out through the doors and past the royal guards (something panther had gotten rather good at) the lights reflected on Snow, her eyes were shining like the glowing moon. It was full tonight, floating proudly and whole in the night sky. Their eyes met, Panther realised that this wouldn't be the first rule she broke for Snow.

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