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(A/n: Vacations are going on)
_Morning Time_
_6:45 am_

Yoongi's POV

"Yeahh! I think you should even resign from that little job you got. You already skipped two days and now you want to sleep?? Didn't you sleep the whole night?" Says my Appa.

(A/n: Yoongi was sick so he took a leave for two days)

"I-I didn't- I did! I was just feeling a little s-sleepy so- I'm up now! Mianhae Appa" I apologize to my father.

"I want the truth. What were u doing till almost it was 4 a.m in the morning?"

"I-I- how can you say I was awake till 4 a.m?"

"That's not the point. Still I'll answer you. I'm your father. I have my eyes on you. At least in the house. Now answer me"

How can I say that I was writing the lyrics for my rap??

_4 am_
_ Yoongi finished writing his lyrics and it's 4a.m. in the morning_

*Yawn* Finally I completed writing the lyrics! Oh what time is it- it's almost 4 am and I didn't sleep the whole night! Now it's gonna be hard for me...

(A/n: Plus today he needs to go to work early and he'll be back lately too as he was sick for 2 days and didn't go to work)

I shall sleep for at least 2hrs now.
I set up an alarm at 6 a.m. and went to sleep.

_Back to 6:45 am_

"Yes! Tell me already, I can't stand here the whole day" He asks me again.

Fuck this alarm clock!

"A-appa, I..."


"I was writing"

"And what is that?"


"Oh. So you didn't sleep, getting late for work just for writing these?? What will you do with- give me those shits, I mean sheets"

How can he say this word to my lyrics?

"Appa please n-"


I ran towards my desk, took out those papers out and handed him.
Wait- he isn't reading it! He-he- is he tearing those pages??

"Appa-" before I could say something, the papers were in the dustbin lying in pieces.

"I did this because if you had those papers, you would have wasted more of your time on those shits and your salary would go down and it's already very low so don't want it to lower to none. I always think for the best. I want you to be happy doesn't means I'll allow you to do whatever you feel like. Specially, these lyrics are never gonna help you. Get ready and go to work" He says leaving the room and me being broken from inside.

I just had no choice. I went to the bathroom immediately and started taking a shower.

I hate this sentence. They tear and throw my happiness in the dustbin and would say they want me to be happy.

_Time Skip_

I bid goodbye to my family and left the house for work.


Ah! Finally it's the lunch time. A little break. I do so much of work but get almost nothing in return.

In this break, all I can do is sleep or drink water or just rest. Money is needed for lunch which I don't have.

This is my life. So boring. No fun, no happiness, no friends, no music, nothing.

As soon as my shift finishes, I leave the cafe for my house. It was very late. It's 11:30 pm now. All I like in my house is my room that gives me the privacy to celebrate my depression.

My parents want me to lead a better life. A happier life compared to theirs. But they don't get it that this hurts me the most. All I want is their support but.. not possible.

I wish, someone would have encouraged me, supported me and loved me for real.


Hii!! This is the first time me writing a fan-fiction.

Any mistakes then tell me. I'll always try to be better.

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring.

What do you think? Will he get what he wants? Love, support and encouragement?

I'll update on every Friday and Monday.

Tae will give his entry soon...maybe in the next chapter or the third😉



Your AuthorNim

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