Chapter 3 The girls

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Will's POV

Mike seems very shaken 

Do you want to get out, I ask because I also would like too

No I'm fine, he responds half heartedly 

He then dives quickly underwater and I watch him for a bit, swimming through the muggy water with so much beauty and grace

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder 

You ok, asks El with a warm smile

I say yes but that's a lie

Max and I are need to discuss something in private so could you please keep the boys busy because you know how curious they get

I laugh, Ok

The two swim of far into the distance and they seem happy like I wish I was 

Will, watch this Mike yells over to me as he dives into a very poorly done hand stand 

Was it good, he asks his eyes hopeful like a puppy

Yeah, it was really good

He proceeds to show the other boys and then they end up having some kid of competition and I laugh 

I look over at where El and Max had swam off too and I notice them sitting on a Rock hand in hand telling stories 

But then I see something that I didn't 

Max leaning over and kissing El on the lips and El's face lighting up with joy they then hug and jump back in the water together 

My mind working at 10000 times per second trying to comprehend what I just witnessed

Then Lucas is in front of me 

What are you looking at he questions

I'm about to spill everything about the lies, the hug, the kiss

But then I think of Mike and how much this will hurt him and I don't want that

Oh just a bird, I say very unconvincingly but they believe it

Oh cool Dustin says, did you see I held my breath for a whole minute

Yeah I held it for a minute and ten seconds 

The boys then fight over this issue but Mike just looks at me and I don't think he fully believes me that it was just a bird, but I don't 

The girls swim back over to us, confused looks on everyone's faces,

and at that point I want the water to swallow me up whole.

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