Chapter 5 The Sleepover

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Will's POV

When Lucas called me about the sleepover I was super excited because then we could play lots of D&D but then Mike might find out about the girls although I thought I did cover it up quite well...

But It did mean I would get to spend the whole night with Mike........ because he's my best friend, not for any other reason

I quickly threw some clothes into my bag and hopped in the car 

My mom still insisted on driving me everywhere, she was so paranoid

When I got there it was only El and Mike and when I arrived El's face lit up with excitement and El looked relieved and thankful, I just brushed it off and greeted them both.

Then the other came round and we FINALLY played some D&D, we tried to teach the girls but they were RUBBISH, unlike mikey.....

So they ran off laughing into the bathroom

Then I had to make a prestigious roll, to throw a fire ball, I have to roll a 13 or higher

I pick up the dice, shake them, and I'm about to throw it when I look at Mike and my world turns upside down.

So I just drop the dice and they fall off the table and one scatters to Mike's foot I watch as he flips a five to a nine and winks at me 

A seven! you have to get a six or higher, Dustin squeaks 

Mike hands me the dice and our fingers collide for a second and it makes me smile 

Nine, I reply excitedly 

You slay the demogorgon with your fire ball, screams Lucas

Congratulations, Will the Wise, You've saved us, Says Mike

Mike throws his arms around me in a warm embrace

My eyes wander over to the girls having a full on make out sesh and I freeze

What is it?, Mike questions

I try to say something but it's too late and Mike see's what I saw 

The girls realise and El slams the door with her powers and Mike runs upstairs crying

Lucas and Dustin seem confused but soon figure out what happened and began packing up D&D.

I turn and run upstairs after Mike and I look everywhere for him but I can't find him

I ask Nancy and she said she saw him run outside in tears 

I find Mike sitting on a swing in the rain

Are you ok? I ask as I sit on the other swing

Not really, he replies

Is it about El and Max

I'm scared Will, He responds

Scared, what about, I reply nervously

That you'll reject me He says and before I say can say anything else he leans over

 and kisses me.

Should I stay or should I go nowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt