Chapter 4 The day after

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Voice on a phone

Mike's POV

The day after the quarry  was really strange because will kept avoiding my calls and so did the girls so I decided to ask Lucas if he'd heard anything

(on phone)

Hey mike what's up

Hey have you heard from Will or the girls 

No have you


Maybe we could organize something to bring us all together

Yeah like a sleepover at my place

Cool sounds great, I'll tell Dustin and Will and you ask the girls

Great I said 

Although it wasn't

Lucas hang up and then I just stared at the dialed number of Hoppers cabin wondering if I had the guts to call it

I did, and after two rings someone picked up the phone

Hello, said a gruff voice, which was clearly Hopper

Um hi Hopper it's Mike can I speak to el please 

Um sure 

(muffled noises)

Hello chimed El's sweet voice

Um hi Lucas and I were wondering if you'd like to come for a sleepover tomorrow night 

Yeah um, ok

And can you ask Max as well I don't know her number

Uh she's here actually talk to her yourself

(more muffled noises)

Hey Mike a sleepover sounds fun we'll be over around 7

Bye, they both say

(the phone doesn't hang up)

I love you El

I love you too Max

(more muffled noises)

Mike hangs up 

sure that he was imagining it

They're just friends, they're probably watching a tv show

He would know for sure at the sleepover tomorrow.

I'm sorry this chapter's so short the next chapter will be much longer

Should I stay or should I go nowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora