Part 5. The end of the nightmare.

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She saw Michelle that had red eyes.

"Mich, is this really you?"

"Y-yes, i think... The good thing that the infection is gone.."

"Hmm.. Is there something that hurts you?"

"Yes, my head and stomach... And i also feel really sick.. But, what's wrong with me that you were looking..afraid..?"

"We'll talk about this later, you look really not in mood."

"Please, i really need to know what happened to me..."

"Fine... Your eyes..they"

"Wh-what? No this can't be.."

Michelle fell but Tasha caught her, she felt that her pinkhaired friend trembled violently.

"Calm down Michelle, everything will be alright.."

"I want to believe in this... I'm afraid that i'm going to lose control..."

"It won't happen, i promise.."

She breathed slowly and looked at Tasha with blush.


Michelle fell asleep in Tasha's hands.

"I love you too?" Tasha said in confusion.

She put off the blanket, put the sleeping body on the bed covering her with same blanket and patted her head.

"Sleep well Michelle. You had a rough day."

Time skips to morning. Michelle woke up in sweat, but her head and stomach stopped hurting. She saw Tasha making tea and Lilith sleeping on sofa. Michelle stood up from the bed and sat with Lilith.

"Good morning Lilith."

She woke up and yawned.

"Good morning. Oh!"

"What's wrong Lil"

"Your eyes colour are back to normal now."


"Yeah, guess it was really old that it needed one day to stop the infection."

"Yeah." Michelle giggled.

Tasha brought tea and put them on a table and said: "Good morning girls, the tea is ready!".

"Thank you."

"Yeah, thanks Tasha."

"Your welcome. Oh, i see you're good now huh?"

"Yeah. If i only knew that the infection will be living only one day.."

"And was careful too, i'm talking about you Tasha.".

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you we're the one who didn't looked what flavor was the welding for tea."

"Heh, yeah.. But, atleast everything is normal now."

"You're right, now we can rest for now since we got up early."

"Right. We really need some rest."

The End.

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