VIII. The Seven Stages

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Overhead lights buzzed.

Vanya sighed softly as a clock steadily ticked.


A lock buzzed.

Indistinct chatter sounded and an office phone rang.

A typewriter clacked.

A door lock buzzed.


Vanya looked up as the man closed the blinds and said, "I'm Special Agent Willy Gibbs of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

"Where's Sissy?" Vanya asked. "I need to talk to her."

A recorder whirred softly. "Mrs. Cooper and the boy have been released back into the custody of Mr. Cooper. What's your last name, Vanya?"


"Do you have any ID that could attest to that? No driver's license, birth certificate? You from around here?"

"No. I'm... I, uh... I'm... I'm not sure."

"You're not sure."

"Well, I was told by the other officer I was hit by a car. I have amnesia."

"Right. Yes, amnesia. They told me about that. So how does that work, exactly?"

"I can't remember anything from before a month ago."

"Except your name, of course."

"Yeah, except my name." She avoided the fact that she remembered her twin.

"Far as I can tell, it's like you simply... materialized out of thin air."

"Welcome to my world."

""Vanya." That's a Russian name, isn't it? Mentions a twin named Madelina Wright, also a Russian name."

"I'm not Russian and neither is she."

"If you have amnesia, how can you say for sure? In fact, I'm curious as to how you know your first and last name but you don't remember anything else. I know you remember your twin; I saw your face twitch slightly."

"I don't know."

"How did you send those troopers flying?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know."

Gibbs asked in Russian, "What are you doing here in Dallas?"

Vanya answered in Russian. "I don't know!"

"Hmm." He spoke in English as he sat. "You speak Russian."

"I... I don't... I..."


"I must've just leaned a little as a kid."

"A little? I think you speak it very well. What I want to know is, how does a young woman who says she isn't Russian, but speaks Russian, end up working as a nanny for a simple-headed boy with her twin sister in the middle of nowhere, Texas?"

"I need to make a phone call. I have the right to make a call, don't I?"

"If there is one thing the FBI takes seriously, it is a Communist threat to this country. We haven't been able to locate Madelina Wright, unfortunately. Now, I want answers, real answers, and I will do whatever it takes to get them. You're not going anywhere until I find out who you really are."

A high-pitched tone sounded and Gibbs grunted softly before gasping.

Vanya cried out and Gibbs grunted loudly.

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