New Nicknames

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Cerise and Daring were on the Bookball Field playing one on one. They were trying to see who could get around the other the fastest.

"Hey Red bet you can't pass me"called Daring

"Thats what you think"Cerise called back

Cerise started running at full speed while Daring got into position.

Cerise passed him before he could even blink.

"I told you I'd pass you"said Cerise

"Ok well its my turn"said Daring

"Good luck"said Cerise with a laugh

Daring started running and surely enough he couldn't get passed Cerise.

"Ugh. Your as fast as lighting"said Daring

"And your as slow as a snail"said Cerise

"NEW NICKNAMES"they both exclaimed

"You can't call me snail in school"said Daring

"Try and stop me"said Cerise

Daring didn't say another word. He knew Cerise got what she wanted.

"Thats what I thought"said Cerise

"At least you have a cool nickname"said Daring

"Its only cool if you make it cool"said Cerise

"I guess your right"whined Daring

"I always am"said Cerise

Daring and Cerise went back to playing until it was almost curfew.

"Do you know its almost 10"said Cerise

"We should probably go"said Daring

"Night Lighting"said Daring

"Night Snail"said Cerise

A/N:Hey guys I had this new idea for a book so here it is. My updating is going to be crazy because I just started high school this year but enjoy.

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