Working and Bad Dreams

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Cerise and Daring finally got home from their honeymoon and it was late at nighy so they went to bed.

It was midnight at the castle and everything was silent. That is until Cerise screamed in fear waking up Daring.

"Cerise whats wrong"asked Daring facing her

Cerise didn't answer, she tryed to calm herself down first.

"Its nothing, I don't wanna talk about"said Cerise

"Cerise, remember I'm with you in sickness and In health, for better or worse so please tell me whats wrong"said Daring

"I really don't wanna talk about it"said Cerise

"Please"said Daring

"Ok. I dreamed there was an intruder and he grabbed you and threatened me. You told him to leave me alone and to just take you. I didn't understand what you ment but the intruder killed in in front of me"cried Cerise

Daring embraced his wife in an attempt to calm her down.

"Daring, I can't lose you. Your my everything"said Cerise

"And thats why I'm not going anywhere"said Daring

"Really"said Cerise

Daring didn't answer he gave her a kiss on the lips and smiled at her.

"I mean every word"

Cerise felt at peace after hearing him say that and she fell asleep.

Around five that next morning Daring was awake. He had to go to work but not at his home office. He went to get dressed and grab everything he needed.

"Cerise"whispered Daring

"Huh"said Cerise groggly

"Hey, I have to go to work"said Daring

"Nooooo"said Cerise

"And why not"asked Daring laughing

"Then I'll be alone"said Cerise

"Well you can call, Raven, Darling and even Tillys here"said Daring

"Ok, I'll miss you"said Cerise

"I'll miss you too princess"said Daring

The couple kiss each other bye and Daring leaves. His normal office was in the castle with his parents. His parents wouldn't bother him there though.

He looked on his desk and saw two stacks of paperwork he needed to fill out so he got to work.

Cerise sat in the library with Raven and Darling talking about things.

"So hows married life"asked Darling

"Its great, especially after last night"said Cerise

"What happened"asked Raven

"I had a bad dream but Daring calmed me down and we talked about it"said Cerise

"You two are perfect for each other"said Raven

"I agree"said Darling

Raven and Darling stayed most of the afternoon but had to leave for something Dexter and Chase planned for them.

Tilly made lunch for Cerise and went to call her out of the library.

Cerise looked over the lunch and saw Tilly walking away.

"Tilly, would you like to join me"asked Cerise

"Oh sweetheart, I can't possibly do that"said Tilly

"No I insist, you made this wonderful lunch for me you should have some too"said Cerise

"Well, I guess I should take a break"said Tilly

Tilly sat down with Cerise and ate lunch with her. It was definitely better than eating alone.

After lunch Tilly cleaned up and told Cerise to go and enjoy the rest of her day.

Cerise went out to the garden and watched Sam, the gardener trim the hedges amd the wildlife rome its habitat.

It was four o'clock and Cerise went inside and sat on a couch and watched tv.

Suddenly the doord opened and she heard  a voice .

"I'm home"

"Daring"said Cerise hugging him

"Hey princess, how was your day"asked Daring

"Good. Darling and Raven came over, I had lunch with Tilly, and I went to the garden and watched the wildlife"said Cerise

"What about you"she added

"Well I did two stacks of paperwork, ate lunch with my parents and did more work"said Daring

"So we both had good days"said Cerise

"Yep, it was even better when I got to see you"said Daring kissing her forehead

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