Chapter 4: Guns, Blades and Aura's

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Chapter 4: Guns, Blades and Aura’s

{Adam }

{Day One in Aera}

Yeah. We need to find everyone thought or else things might be a little tough.” Toby said with a laugh.

“Agreed. We need to. Quickly.”


 “Woah. You look fancy.” Toby said, looking over the gear I had on.

“You shouldn’t be talking. What’s in the holsters?” I asked, gesturing to them. Toby pulled one out and revealed a white gun. It looked like a pistol from the real world, but it was decorated with golden swirls, I guessed it had to have some sort of magical property to it. Or else why would he have it? “Well that’s fancy.” I said in awe.

“Wow, it is. Wonder what it does.” Toby wondered. He flipped the gun over and studied it carefully. He found what looked to be a trigger and a button. “Button or trigger?”

“Um. Button sounds safer. First thing though, please don’t point that at me.” I said, raising my hands in defense I looked down at Toby’s gun. The muzzle was pointed straight at me. He looked at me, and then back down again. Toby blushed and pointed it straight down at the ground before pressing the button.

With a click, a sight popped out of nowhere. It was a square but it had rounded corners, it gave off a blue glow and kind of looked like a hologram. At the same time, a switch came out, one that seemed to have many options. It was confusing to say the least.

“Okay, what the heck will the trigger do?” I asked confused.

“I’d better not point it at you though, I’m going to try the switch first.” Toby said cautiously. He used the switch and nothing really happened. He had a puzzled look on his face and kept trying the switch.

“Well.” I said in disappointment.

“That was a bust.” Toby said with a frown. “I wonder who else is around. This forest seems awfully quiet.” He was right, as I looked around, the sun was shining through the canopy of the forest. The green shades of the forest making the surrounding look very calming. But it didn’t help that this place was eerily quiet. There wasn’t even the sounds of chirping birds, or any buzzing of insects. It was quite odd.

I saw Toby looking around, after placing his gun back into one of the holsters of course. “Dude, there’s a blue glow in the forest.” Toby said out of the blue. I looked in the direction he was staring off at, and sure enough there was a faint blue glow.

“What the heck is that?” I questioned, a bit concerned.

“I don’t know, doesn’t look safe though.” Toby pulled out both of his guns and flipped the sight up on the both of them. I grabbed my own sword from it’s sheathe (The metal was white, handle gold and a strange white gem on the hilt. Pretty fancy), I held it with both hands and waited for something to happen. But then I saw the glow get brighter. What the heck is going on?

“Please! Do not attack!” A shrill voice called.

“Uh, the hell?” I questioned.

“No clue.” Toby replied.

“We are the Flori! We are the guides to all new travelers in Areia! Please Sky, Toby! We come in peace!” The first shrill voice was joined by another and it was all getting really confusing. Out of nowhere, two glowing blue orbs came flying out of the forest. I looked at Toby, I was very confused and unsure of what was going on. He caught my gaze and simply shrugged.

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