Chapter 6: A Flick of the Wrist.

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Chapter 6: A Flick of the Wrist


{Day One in Area}

May cause silliness and confusion after a brief time. Please consume responsibly. Well crap.”



 “So, then I said, well why don’t you just get the monkey?” Jordan said. Jordan and I laughed loudly. Not caring what was around us, Rifu kept walking ahead of us.

“So, so, what did he say?” I asked. Jordan laughed and smiled as I almost walked into one of the nearby trees.

“Well, he said but I don’t have any bananas!” Jordan replied. I laughed harder and we kept on walking.

Before the actual Groo, we made plans to head off in a certain path through the forest. It ran along side of a river and Martyn spotted one of the entrances into Akua town. Just a simple gate. But then the Groo kicked in. Causing, well. My mind was able to function properly, but the whole speech part of my brain was, well. Not.

“Alright, alright, my turn. So I was talking to Toad right?” I started.

“Toad? Mario and Luigi, Toad?” Jordan questioned.

“Yeah, yeah. So we were searching for all of these crystals.” I continued.

“Crystals? What the heck we’re you doing?” Jordan asked.

Yeah, this wasn’t going very well. Hopefully the memory part of my brain wouldn’t remember this.

“Doesn’t matter, doesn’t really matter. But, there were these turnips okay? Okay, you’re following me right?” Jordan nodded along. “So he told me to pick one of em’. He literally made me bend down and pull them out of the ground!”

“Seriously?!” Jordan questioned.

“Yeah! Alright so after that he grabbed one himself and then threw it at one of these owl things! It was crazy!”

As I continued to tell Jordan this ‘Mystical Toad Adventure’ story, the forest seemed to move in whichever direction we were walking. If we moved left, the branches swayed left. To the right, vines moved right. I had no clue if it was this forest, of if it was something to do with my class, but it was awesome.

“So you’re saying that you went with Toad, picked turnips, threw them at owl things and then collected a golden star?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah! It was awesome!” I replied.

“Dude! That is so much better than my story!” Jordan complained. “No fair!”

“That’s what happens when you are Italian!” I said in triumph. Jordan raised an eyebrow in question.

“You’re not Italian! You’re from freaking England!” Jordan said in confusion.

“It’s a me! Martyn!” I said happily, putting on a fake Italian accent that clashed poorly with my British one. Jordan laughed and punched me on the shoulder.

“No! That was the worst thing I have ever heard!” Jordan yelled. “Mario would be ashamed!”

“But, it’s a me, Martyn! How could they be so ashamed!?” I exclaimed, using the fake accent once again.

“They can be! I would!”

We laughed once again and continued to stumble on through the forest. Eventually this stuff would wear off. When it did, who knows what would happen? Out of the corner of my eye I could see our Flori’s just floating around. Keeping tabs on us. Up in the corner of my eye I could see a small timer counting down. I guessed that was the timer for how long the Grog would last. It was fairly low, the Grog would wear off soon.

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