23: Take me to the otherside

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We ended up at Karaoke Kafe again, sipping on peanutbutter banana milkshakes covered with plenty of whipped cream.

"You have eleven younger syblings?" I asked in shock. We had been talking for the better part of the night, just getting to know each other better.

"Yep, nine sisters and two brothers." Elijah shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

"Wow thats insane. It has always been me and Selena, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have that many people to live with." I am pretty confident that I'm in shock. His mom gave birth to 12 kids total. That poor woman. Still it was kind of amazing when you thought about it.

"Well, mostly chaotic and privacy does not exist." He explained, but the way he spoke made me think that it wasn't that bad and that he wouldn't have it any other way.

I went to go eat some more whipped cream off my shake, only to realize there was non left.

I slyly looked over at Elijah's, who still had plenty on top of his cup. He was distracted watching a group of ten year old girls on stage belting out the lyrics to Let It Go, adorably off key.

I reached over and stole a heaping spoonful of whipped cream from him, but he turned just as my spoon was on the way to my mouth.

He raised an amused eyebrow at me as I shoved the spoon into my mouth with a smile.

He chuckled at before taking his spoon and plopping the rest of his whipped cream into my cup.

I beamed at him.

"Okay, so I may have a whipped cream addiction." I stated after I finished the last of the sweet fluffy topping.

"I couldn't tell." He joked, giving me a knowing look.

I felt myself blush.

"Hey, I remember you guys. You two were incredible up on stage. Natural performers." Our server was the same one we had the last time we came here and had just stopped by to see if we needed anything else.

"Haha thanks," I responed suddenly shy.

"Are ya'll gonna sing again?"

I traded looks with Elijah, mentally asking him if he wanted to.

"Actually we were just about to do just that. " Elijah pushed his chair back and stood up. He walked over to me. And I took his hand without any hesitation or further thought. And he lead me onto the stage.

A song started up and Elijah sang the first lyric. I was still surprised by what a nice singing voice he had.

"We were together summer all night-"

I cut him off with the next line to the One Direction song.

"Wanna go back like pressing rewind."

We played tug of war exchanging lines until we got to the chorous and sang together.

"I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal show me you care. I want you to rock me. Rock me. Rock me yeah." Our voices were synced in a perfect harmony melody balance and blended together to create a sweet noise.

We sang a bunch of One Direction songs together, and I was actually surprised he was the one suggesting them.

"I have nine sisters. Its all I listen to." Elijah told me when I mentioned it, shrugging his shoulders. "They are all stuck in my head. Not to mention a CD stuck in my truck stereo." He laughed.

"Its okay," I laughed along with him. "A lot of guys act too macho to admit that they listen to 1D."

After a couple more times we ended up leaving. I meant to follow Elijah to his truck, but a newly added photobooth had been put infront of the Maurices, caught my attention.

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