update... +3 years later

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hi friends.

if you're reading this, you are truly amazing.

as you can probably tell, I've left the fandom and lost the motivation (and time) to continue writing my stories. I've hopped in and out of fandoms over the last three years, moved to a different country a few months after my last update, I could go on and on but you don't care about that. you care about how the story was supposed to go.

helpless was my first ever fic, so I had this one meticulously planned out. as some of you in the comments have guessed, YES– the reason millie and her brother moved was because millie's father was responsible for the murder of finn's mother. what y'all probably could have never guessed was why. it's because finn's mother, seemingly innocent, was a homewrecker who destroyed the brown household when she began her notorious affair with millie's father. millie's mother committed suicide as a result and so, her father became incredibly abusive towards his children and elizabeth, whom he began seeing regularly. however, finn and millie and charlie never knew of this when it was happening, nor did they ever know of each other's existence(s?). at one point, elizabeth found out she was pregnant with millie's father's child and he was so enraged when she refused to abort the child. as a result, he ends up basically stalking her on her way from work, kidnaps her from her car, keeps her somewhere far away and remote for a while, before he finally bludgeons her to death. right before getting rid of her bloody body, he made sure to get a bloody handprint on the windshield of her car and made sure authorities were able to find the car. 

pretty gruesome stuff, I know. as for the FILLIE content, the truth would have eventually come out in like ch 35 or 40 and they would have ended it, with millie running away on her own and charlie would have stayed behind in cabot springs with the love and support of noah. finn, gaten, caleb, and sadie, along with charlie and noah remain absolutely devastated when a year passes and they hear no news of her whereabouts or if she's even alive.

I'm an absolute sucker for time gaps SOOOOO I would have made finn and millie somehow cross paths once again 5-8 years later during or after college. it would've been a whole thing. not exactly sure about the details this far into the story, but helpless definitely would have ended on a happy, lovey dovey note. (marriage and babies and all!)

AND THAT'S THE END, FOLKS. hope this brings some solace and resolution to the +3 years you guys have been reading, liking, commenting, and most importantly, begging for an update.

on another note, I wrote this fic when I was still a teenager with absolutely no intention of sexualising anybody–and most definitely not a bunch of minors–and starting any conflicts. sorry if any of my works or comments hurt, offended, disgusted, etc. anybody. writing was something that brought me joy and sharing that with the world–particularly others who enjoyed reading as much as they did–only multiplied that joy.

with that being said, I hope you are all safe and well during these crazy ass times. remember, wear your mask at all times, wash your hands as often as possible, register to vote if you can(!!!), and BLM, always.

I love you all.

P.S. I come on here sometimes to troll the comments. some of y'all are hilarious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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