so it starts

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  hi, my name is denki kaminari, and i like katsuki bakugo. like, a lot. i've tried to give him hints, but i think they were too subtle. even if he did understand what i was trying to say, his reactions were... less than ideal. every time i gave him hints, he replied with "whatever dunce face, buzz off". although, that is basically how he replies to anyone who tries to talk to him. i just wish i knew what he was thinking in that big, spiky head of his! but he never really says anything other than insults, and the only emotion i've ever seen him express is anger. i'm sure he feels other emotions, he just doesn't show them. although, even if he did convey them more, it might not be that great, considering i'm like, 90% sure he hates me. the only person he's not constantly angry at is kirishima, so i'm pretty sure that's who he likes. i know for a fact that kirishima likes him, he's told me before. maybe bakugo' s caught on to the fact that kirishima likes him and is acting like this to try and tell kirishima he likes him back? oh god i hope not... damn it i'm thinking too much into it, i'm sure that's not the case! right? oh no... i need to sleep. yeah, sleep away the bad thoughts. it is already almost midnight, and i have school in the morning. alright, sleep it is!
                                                                                                                                 ~in the morning~

  "alright! it's a new day, no negative thoughts today, just good ones," i said to myself, stretching my arms upwards and yawning. i got up to brush my teeth and get dressed and all that. once i was ready, i went out to the kitchen to find myself some breakfast. to my surprise, bakugo was there, cooking himself breakfast. "mmm smells good! what are you making?" i asked, walking up to him to take a look at whatever was creating that heavenly odor. "it's french toast. also, what the hell are you doing up this early? usually you're the last one to wake up, lazy ass," he replied, seeming pretty annoyed. wait... is that... is he blushing? no, he couldn't be, i thought to myself. "hey bakubro, i know you're gonna say no, but... can you make me some?" i asked, using my best puppy dog eyes to try and convince him. "no, you can't. make your own damn breakfast, i'm not your butler or some shit," he replied, not even glancing my way. 

  "pleeeeeaasssseeee? i can't cook, last time i tried i burned the water i was trying to boil. it was not a pretty sight or smell. or taste... i still don't know why i tasted it," i said with a small laugh. when bakugo turned his head to look at me to see if i was serious he looked disgusted, to say the least. "how do you even burn water? you really are a fucking idiot." "i know, that's why i'm asking you to make me french toast! because i'm sure you know by now that all kitchen messes are your job to clean up unless you're sleeping or not in the dorms," i replied with a sly smile and a small blush on my face. damn it i feel like i'm gonna explode, he's so cute oh my god- my very gay thoughts were cut off by bakugo saying "i know, i know..." as he went to get ingredients to make a second piece of french toast. "well? what are you waiting for? you can have that one, it'll be cold by the time the next one is done, and that's just gross." "oh! really? thanks!" i'm replied as i took the plate. "yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered under his breath as he started making his own food.

  oh my god this is so good! is this what they eat in heaven? it must be, holy shit, i thought as i started eating. "dude, whatever that face you're making is, it's not one that anyone should make while eating food. maybe while jerking off, but definitely not while eating food," bakugo said, looking at me like i was crazy. "oh, sorry, it's just that this is really good. how do you do it?" i asked, shoveling another bite into my mouth. "i don't know, i guess i've just... always been a good cook? don't ask weird questions, dunce face. and don't talk with your mouth, it's gross," he replied as he finished making and plating his food. i nodded and held up my index finger, as to say "sorry, give me a second to finish." once i was done chewing, i said "right, i'll remember that next time bakubro!" "yeah, whatever," he replied with a roll of his eyes as he started eating. we ate the rest of our food in a comfortable silence, though the whole time all i could think was oh holy fuck he eats so delicately it's so cute oh my god, and i may or may not have been staring a little bit. okay, a little bit more than a little bit. okay,  fine, i was staring very intensely at him. he didn't seem to notice, but then again he could have just been pretending not to notice because he was uncomfortable. "i can feel you staring at me, what the fuck do you want?" he said, looking up from his food for a moment. "oh, uh, um..." i started, a crimson blush threatening to break out all across my face.

   luckily, it didn't get the chance, since i was interrupted by iida walking in and saying "oh, good morning kaminari! i usually don't see you awake around this time, but it's nice that you're up early today." "oh! iida! good morning to you too. i didn't sleep too well, so i woke up earlier than normal. bakugo made me french toast," i replied. i had never been so thankful for iida's timing, considering he normally comes in at the worst times possible. "oh! bakugo, that was nice of you. a rare sight indeed," iida said, turning to bakugo. "whatever, shut up glasses. i only made dunce face any food because i knew that if he tried making anything he would obliterate the kitchen," bakugo replied, glaring at the blue haired male. "if you're gonna give people nicknames at least make them tasteful," iida replied, irritated. "oookay, iida, you should go get yourself some breakfast! since, you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and all that," i said, trying to lighten the mood and hopefully stop bakugo from yelling at iida. it was just past six in the morning, after all. "you're right, kaminari! a good day starts with a good breakfast," he said enthusiastically as he made his way over to the kitchen to get his food.

  things were relatively calm after that, and everyone slowly made their way out of their rooms and into the common area to get their breakfasts. about two hours later, everyone started heading to the making building to get to class. we all split up into groups of two or three as we walked, and i decided to walk with bakugo and kirishima. "hey dunce face, why the fuck are you sticking to me today? why don't you go hang out with tape or something?" bakugo said, anger radiating off of him. "jeez, i'm just hanging out with you. is it wrong to hang out with your friends?" i asked while trying not to glare at kirishima. apparently i'm the jealous type. not that surprising to be honest. "yeah bakubro! let kaminari hang out with us, he's fun!" kirishima said, grabbing onto bakugo' s arm. damn it kirishima you're a great friend but it's really hard not to scream at you right now, i thought as kirishima and bakugo started a having a conversation. "what do you think kaminari?" kirishima asked, diverting his attention over to me. "huh? oh uh, i think i got lost in thought, i didn't hear what you guys were talking about," i replied, scratching the back of my head. damn it i was focusing so hard on not murdering kirishima that i didn't hear what they said, i thought, silently scolding myself. "oh, it's fine! we were just talking about how..." the conversation was unimportant and continued until we got to class.

  once we were all settled in our seats and the bell rang, mr. aizawa said, "alright, class. today we'll be..."

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