what a day

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once we were all settled in our seats and the bell rang, mr. aizawa said, "alright, class. today we'll be doing a training exercise in ground beta. these will be one-on-one sparring matches. feel free to go all out, so long as you don't permanently injure or kill your opponent. recovery girl will be there in case of any serious injuries, of course. any questions?" iida raised his hand. "yes, iida? what is it?" mr. aizawa said, obviously not very excited for whatever iida was about to say. "well, actually i have to questions. the first is, how will partners be assigned? will you choose them or can we choose who we want to fight? the second is, are you sure it's a good idea to allow us to go all out? i know that there are some students who... don't know when to stop," iida said, obviously a pointed remark at bakugo. "to answer your first question, the partners will be randomly assigned. and regarding your second, if we think the fight is going too far, we will stop the match immediately, of course," mr. aizawa replied, rolling his eyes slightly. "okay, thank you for clearing that up." mr. aizawa nodded at him, as to say "you're welcome", but aizawa would never actually say that. of course.

  "alright, so, here are the match ups: todoroki and tokoyami, aoyama and mina, midoriya and asui, uraraka and kirishima, yoyorozu and iida, sero and shoji, jiro and koda, mineta and hagakure, sato and ojiro, and bakugo and kaminari. no, you are not allowed to switch partners so don't ask. go put on your hero costumes and meet me back here," mr aizawa said, tired as ever. no, no, no, no! i'm paired up with bakugo, so i can't avoid talking to him, but i'll stumble on my words and i'll- i was interrupted by someone punching me in the arm. it was bakugo, coming over to say "hey dunce face, looks like i'm fighting you." i think the only time i'll ever be happy to be insulted is when it's coming from bakugo, no matter how weird that sounds. "looks like it," i replied with a grin as i rubbed the back of my neck. shit shit shit! i have to fight him? i don't want to, damn it. i don't want to hurt him, and i'll probably end up getting totally obliterated. i'll either hurt the one i like or get totally embarrassed. talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place, i thought, my grin slightly fading.

  "looks like i'm gonna be going to recovery girl today," i said with a chuckle, looking up at bakugo. "haha yeah. you know i don't go easy on anyone, not even my friends," he replied, grinning in that way he did that always made my heart race. i know it seems weird to other people, but his expressions most people find unattractive are always the ones i find making me fall for him all over again. "well, in any case, good luck," i said, flashing my cheesiest grin at him. "not like i'll need it, dunce face," he replied, and then walked away.

  after everyone had returned to the classroom, mr. aizawa took us all to ground beta for our matches. he did a quick re-explanation and then called the first matchup to the arena. nothing really interesting happened between then and mine and bakugo's match, so i won't bore you with the details. "alright class, last matchup. kaminari and bakugo, step into the arena," mr. aizawa said in a tone of voice that was between angry, bored, and tired. a strange combination, really. bakugo and i stepped into the arena, and once we were both ready, mr aizawa said "ok, start." and so we did.

  bakugo came at me with a huge explosion that probably could have been beautiful, if it wasn't a direct attempt to harm me, that is. i tried to dodge, but the explosion still hit my arm. i didn't even notice the pain because my adrenaline was so high. i threw a bolt of electricity at him in an attempt to throw him off balance so i could easily pin him and win the fight. but, of course, he dodged perfectly and sent a return explosion right at my face. i couldn't do anything but stand and watch it hit it's mark, i knew that if i tried to dodge it wouldn't work and would probably end up hurting someone else. so i stood there, closed my eyes, and welcomed the burning sensation that occurred right after impact.

  "stop the fight! bakugo wins," aizawa said. recovery girl came up onto the arena and started fixing me up, checked on bakugo, and then had some other students carry me to the infirmary to rest. so i did, i slept, and it felt so, so good. i'm not sure how long i was asleep for, but it was definitely a long time. as soon as i woke up, i heard a voice say "finally, you're up. i was falling asleep over here, idiot." bakugo. it was bakugo's voice that i heard. i sat up, stared at him for a moment in disbelief, and then said "why are you here? i thought you'd be in the dorms bragging about your victory," i said, smiling a bit at the thought that he was waiting for me to wake up. 

  "oh, get over yourself dunce face. mr. aizawa told me to come here to apologize for what i did during the fight," he said, rolling his eyes. "oh... ok. how long was i out for," i asked, trying to change the subject. "a couple days, it's wednesday," he said, double checking by looking at the calendar. "wait, seriously? that long? jeez, you really messed me up, huh," i said with a small chuckle. "yeah yeah, whatever. just come back to the dorms once you get changed back into your normal clothes," he said, getting up to leave. "alright, will do," i said as he left the room.

(author's note: i know it's been forever since i posted the first chapter, i was busy and kinda forgot about it lmao. i'll try to update more regularly, but no promises. hope you've enjoyed the story so far tho :) that's all from me)

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