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Lovely. The smell of freshly baked cupcakes never cease to make me smile. They smell just like any other, but there's a catch. I bake only special ones. Ones that I give to certain people. But no, I don't earn anything but-cue some sadistic laughter-their flesh. I have no interest in their possessions.

Delicious. The taste of blood in my cupcakes are always wonderful. They arouse me! Oh not in that way! I am a gentleman, there is no way I would resort to sexual ways! That is only done by a few of my friends, or as I would personally say, my family.

They're not technically my family, not as close as one, but we do live under the same roof. I love them like my own kin, but they don't do the same to me. I understand very well they have their own lives to attend to. I am but merely a small part of their lives, playing only a minor role.

But I only involve myself when I hear words that irritate me. Vulgar words so inappropriate they sound like fingernails on a board to my ears. I hate those words very much I would make them pay the swear jar, or it'll be another trip to the basement for them.

I even do so to my lover, but not often, since he is a very quiet man who speaks up his mind only at certain times. He has his own life as well I don't remember when was the last time we got in bed! Now, now. I understand that I am a man and my lover is of the same gender. But love comes in many shapes and sizes, right? I'm not afraid to admit that I'm homosexual. Like I said, I'm a gentleman. British to be exact. But I don't tolerate those who are against it, since I have a large circle of friends who are either gay or bisexual.

It's just hateful to see that there are always people against us. But that's besides the point.

Now, shall we move on to my life story? I would like to tell you I live in a world where chaos is an everyday thing. A parallel universe. And I will gladly inform, that I have a counterpart from the other universe. And my counterpart represents a country, so he is immortal. Do you know what that means? Yes, it means I am immortal as well. And I've spent my decades doing the thing I love, while I give my best to achieve a goal I know I will never be able to reach.

They say the sky's the limit. But I fear that my goal is beyond that, beyond normalcy and the insanity that brews within me.

I know full well I am chained to insanity. But I am grateful that I am not alone.

The Chains of Insanity: Oliver Kirkland [2p!Hetalia]Where stories live. Discover now