Part 5

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Long after Mark had left, Sean was still sitting on the floor of his aquarium, now braiding kelp to pass the time, as he replied Mark words over and over again in his head. Mark had sounded concerned and like actually cared if he was alright, but Sean wasn't going to let himself be fool by someone who was mostly faking it to get to him.

Sean was getting bored and was thinking about taking a nap, when the hatch on top of the tank. Someone stuck a long pole with a loose silver hoop on the end into the water near him. 

The hoop tried to grab Sean, but he was too fast for it and quickly swam in the opposite direction. He glanced over his shoulder, he saw that it wasn't following him. Realizing to late the he'd been tricked, Sean swam right through another one of these hoops. The thing quickly retracted around his waist, pulling he to a sudden halt. He tried to pull the thing off of himself, only for it's grip on him to tighten.

To Sean's dismay, his was hoisted up to the hatch and out of the water to see about five human, four males and one female, standing before him. Two of the males were holding onto the rod that had forced Sean to the surface, one was standing near by with another pole, and the fourth male was standing guard next to the female. The two men holding the rod that held him prisoner pulled him the rest of the way out of the water, then the man with the empty rod quickly closed the hatch so Sean couldn't escape back into the tank. He was forced to sit on the ledge next to the hatch and tried once more to remove himself from the snare.

"Well now," The man standing next to the woman chuckle, "it's currently got more in it today, now don't it?" The woman took a step close to Sean and the man said worriedly. "Kelly be careful, we don't know how aggressive it is at the moment." 

Kelly ignored him as she proceeded to neal right in front of Sean, who was watching her but still trying to get the snare off of himself. "Don't do that," she said as she cautiously grabbing his wrists and gently moving them away from the snare, "You'll only hurt yourself." She glanced up at the men holding the rod and one of the men hesitantly pushed a button on the rod causing the silver hoop to fall loosely on to his lap. Kelly slowly grabbed the hoop and carefully lifted it over Sean's head. Sean, now free from his snare, started to rub his aching sides. "There, is that better?" She look him over with gentle eyes. She put a hand under his chin to lift his face up to look at her. "I do wish I had more time to study you, Jack. You are quite extraordinary."

More time? Sean thought, What's that suppose to mean? And wait, did she just call me, Jack?

The man holding the other rod scoffed. "Your too kind to these thing, Kelly. You can't just give them what ever they want or else they'll walk all over you." 

"Quiet, Gerald." Kelly said standing up, "We've got to get going anyways." 

The man that had been standing next to Kelly walked over to Sean and cautiously picked his up at an awkward angle with the man touching some of his senstitive part. Sean, acting on reflex, smacked the man across the face with his tail fin. The man staggered backwards almost dropping him but was able to get a better hold on Sean and keep from falling. The man draped Sean over his shoulder, then brought his free hand to his face and pulled it back to reveal it stained with crimson. Sean fin had managed to slice open a clean cut across the man's cheek. "Why you little…" The man growled then grabbed something off his belt. It was a small black rod with a two pointed fork at the end. The man flipped a switch on it and electricity spirked between the two points.

Sean eyes widened in horror, the man was about to touch the point to Sean's skin when Kelly grabbed his wrist and forcefully pulled it away from Sean. "Don't, Will." Kelly warned, "Leave even the smallest mark on him and the prince with have your head."

Prince? What prince? I know for a fact they don't mean me.

"Fine." Will hafted as he put the rod away. "But I'm not happy about it."

"I never thought you were." Kelly said as the walk down a step of stair off the ledge and over to a bunch of shipping containers.

Oh, great. Not metal box again.

Sean was carried over to a large container fill about three-quarters of the way with salt water. Will, not so gently, dropped him into the water, then slammed the lid shut and locked it.

This container was thinner than the last one, so Sean could hear things outside his metal prison clearer this time.

"Was that really necessary?" Sean heard Kelly ask.

"Yes." Was all Will said before it sounded like he stomped away.

"Moron." Kelly said to no one in particular before Sean heard her tap on the side of the container. "It'll be alright, Jack. It's not that long of a ride and then you'll be out of there in no time." Sean heard her say before her walk away.

After a few minutes, Sean felt the container start to move and began to brace himself for the worst of it.

Well, this'll be fun.

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