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Acting is the art of reliving the remnants of your own life. Whether it's portraying a protagonist or an antagonist, the emotions driven within the characters are the emotions rooted from many crumbs of distant memories you subconsciously pull out. Thanks to this, I became very good at my craft after going through countless "lives," but the one that remained the most vivid in the memory collection was Gregory Tong, a university student I've met when I was a theater major. Everytime I looked in through the lenses of the role I was playing in, I was looking through the lenses of my young self—the overweighting spectacles that balanced on the bridge of my nose and the locks of my raven black hair pulled back along the sun that broke light against my hair, bathing the strands into a luscious brown.

Speaking of my young self, I still can't get my mind on what he saw among the evergreen pastures that day when we became stranded on that old farm. That reminiscent memory buried deep and was fading, and I can't stop myself from searching the whole world to find that place again. While driving, my acting instinct kicked in and felt the nostalgic spirit of a 19-year-old youngster again. So, I ventured out to search thoroughly and descended among the winding labyrinth of routes, but still was bashed into a corner with defeat. After countless endeavors, I headed back again. The enigma still drove my cravings for some insights into that place. After countless exchange of letters between me and Greg over the few years, I wanted to be lost in those pastures again.

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