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The boy gazed out the window, brown, fluffy hair nearing shoulder length. He was eleven, cheeks usually flushed a soft pink, eyes big and sparkly, lips put together in a pout. His small kitten ears pressed down against his hair, tail curled around himself.

His name was Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. He was a hybrid, unlike his family, who had adopted him when he was a much younger child.

Taehyung had never been out of the house. Mother would say, " The outside world is dangerous, we can't risk you getting hurt, can we? " He always missed the small hint of a smirk on the side of the woman's thin lips, the way her eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing.

He always thought she was right.

" Taehyungie can't go out, 'cuz it's dangerous. "

He recited that line over and over whenever he had the urge to leave the house, to follow Father out when he went to work, to unlock the door and dash out when no one was home.

He was curious. Why was it so dangerous?

Would it hurt more than when Mother hit him across the face? Or when Father put his shoe to his tummy, pressing down?


Five years later.

" Taehyung, come here. "

His ears perked up at the sound of Mother's voice, lips parting in a gasp.

He loved Mother. Oh so much.

Jumping off the couch, Taehyung waddled to Mother, a grin on his face,
" Taehyungie's here, Mother ! "

The woman smiled, grey strands peeking through her black dyed hair.

" Hi baby. Are you ready for your bathtime? "

Taehyung gasped once again, nodding excitedly, he loved bathtime. Even if it meant the water would be too hot for him, or that Mother would be in the bath with him, helping him wash.

It did make him a little uncomfortable, but it was bearable, especially since Mother gave him toys to play with while in the tub.

Mother smiled once again, and led Taehyung to the bathroom, getting the bath ready.

" Go on in. "



starting off with a short first chapter, don't worry, other chapters will be much longer than this. what are your thoughts? i'm a little rusty. >>>

The Dangerous Outside World. Taekook.Where stories live. Discover now