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One year later.

Taehyung giggled, his cheeks flushed pink as he sat up, hair messy from just waking up. He was ecstactic, chewing on his lip softly in pure excitement; It was all for one reason and one reason only.

It was his seventeenth birthday.

The hybrid male jumped out of bed, making sure to make his bed, for he knew Mother would be upset with him if he did not.

Leaving his small attic room, Taehyung went to the bathroom to wash up, before going downstairs. His eyes lit up at the sight of Mother and Father in the living room, seated on the couch.

" Mother ! Father ! ," He exclaimed, going to sit next to them, " Guess what day it is ! "

He did not expect anything other than a smile for after waiting for a party ever since he had his first one at age one, he never got anymore parties or celebrations.

Mother nodded softly, not sparing him a glance as she mumbled, immersed in the book she was reading, " Mhm, no. "

Father simply ignored him, eyes remaining glued to his paper.

Taehyung's smile dropped for a split second, discouraged by the lack of enthusiasm, before he grinned again, " It's my birthday ! I'm.. " He counted on his fingers, lips turning into a pout.

" I'm seventeen ! 'M so big now, right ? "

He was given silence as a response, as he gazed at the two adults before getting up, smile wiped from his face.

Taehyung left the living room quietly, slightly upset.

He didn't like being ignored, especially not today. Walking around the house, Taehyung looked out a small window, seeing grass on the ground and a blue sky.

Sighing softly, the boy wondered what it would be like to go outside for once. He walked away from the window, before his eyes widened and he gasped.

Of course ! If Mother and Father barely noticed my presence, they would not know if I was gone just for a few hours !

He glanced at his parents, ears perked up in excitement, hands fisting his sweater nervously.

They were still in the living room, unaware of their surroundings, and the door was not in sight from where they were.

This was his chance.

Taehyung went back up to his room and grabbed his stuffed toy, the only one that he was given when he was one.

The hybrid then ran downstairs, making sure to stay quiet before approaching the front door.

He had never been this close to leaving before. He was so curious, wondering what it would be like outside. How dangerous would it be if he hadn't been allowed outside for his entire life ? Was it scary outside ?

His hand gripped onto the knob and he turned it slowly, taking in a deep breath. Now he was rather afraid.

The door opened and Taehyung took his first ever step out the house, bare foot touching the hard concrete.

He shivered at the feeling of the unfamiliar surface, quickly exiting the house and closing the door silently.

The wind swept green leaves left and right, air crisp and clear. The sky was azure blue, the sun beaming, casting a golden glow upon the earth.

Taehyung looked uo at the sun, flinching when his eyes hurt from the bright rays.

" Ow.. " He rubbed his eyes, looking back down at the green grass, pout on his lips, " What's this.. "

He walked around in the grass for a while, before remembering that there was a chance he might get caught, so Taehyung quickly waddled out the front yard.

Roads greeted him, loud vehicles zooming past him.

Taehyung squeaked, his eyes wide, ears perked up in fear and confusion.

The poor kitten instinctively started running along the sidewalk, into a more secluded place.

He was greeted by crowds of people, so he dashed into an alleyway, panting softly, already exhausted as he was not used to running at all.

In this moment, just as Taehyung slowed down to take a breather, a loud gunshot echoed through his sensitive ears.

His eyes widened and he ran again, unsure of where he was headed towards.

Mother was right, it's scary.

He let out a soft sob in fear and confusion, running around like he was blind, before all of a sudden, his face came into contact with another's chest.

Taehyung whimpered and looked up at the being standing before him, his eyes filled with tears, stuffed toy clutched in his hands tightly.

The man in front of him raised an eyebrow, tilting his head as Taehyung backed away, close to sobbing his heart out.

" Well well. What do we have here ? "


chapters will get longer, i promise! (about 1k words per chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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