Chapter 3

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At The Mansion

"N-no... It h-hurts... P-please s-stop... T-take it o-out... I-it's too big... No!!!!!"


I woke up. A dream. Very weird dream. Too weird.

Ehhh?? Where am I ? What is this place? Waitt?? Why does this room seem familiar??

I walked towards the mirror and was very shocked to see my body were covered with love marks °Д°

I saw a phone on the table and tried to call someone to come and save me. As I picked up the phone, only then I realized its cable was missing.

I tried to get out from the window but it was sealed tightly and don't mention the door. It was locked from the outside.


Someone unlocked the door. Later, a man entered the door.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"You can call me, Hyunjin. I'm Master Seo's butler."

"I see." So, I'm now at Seo Changbin's mansion huhh?

"Mr. Lee, please follow me. Master is looking for you," said.


Seo Changbin, again. That mansion is seriously big. After walking for a while, Hyunjin stopped in front of a room.

"Master's waiting for you inside." After that, he left me alone outside the room. I hesitated at the beginning ,but I managed to convince myself to knock the door.

"Knock knock..."

"Come in." Changbin ordered.

I opened the door. The room was Seo Changbin's study. I saw him sitting in front of his desk and there are 4 women around him.

One of them was sitting on his lap trying to please him. After I saw this scene, I immediately felt disgusted with him. He's such a playboy.

"Why are you standing there. Come here." Changbin said. I still didn't budge because I felt disgusted with the scene and I don't want to get infected by the disgusting virus. 🤢

He realized my facial expression and quickly chased all of his scandals away. When they walked out of the room, I could clearly hear them talking about me.

They said, " Our opponent is getting stronger. He even had a kid with our Master Seo." "You're right. That bitch doesn't deserved Master Seo."

What did they call me? A bitch? Wow.. I'm kinda amused. The real bitch called other people who ain't a bitch, A BITCH.

"Hey! Why are you spacing away?" Seo Changbin said.

When I gained back my focus, only then I realized Seo Changbin was right in front of my face.

"Kyaaa!" I started to move backwards.

"Why are you so shocked?" he asked.

"It's because you're too close!" I stated.

"Close? Can't you remember the real closeness?" he asked with a smirk on his face. He walked towards me and carry me up.

"Where are you carrying me?!" I said with a loud tone.

"You'll know when we arrived."

Later, we stopped in front of another room. When we enter it, Hyunjin was waiting for us inside. Changbin then put me down harshly on a chair. And he walked out of the room.

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