The Hiding

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Dean walked through the halls of Hogwarts with his new friends. Charlie was talking on and on to Cas about his new Quidditch position and Cas was quietly listening to her ramble. Meg had run off with Maze and a couple other Slytherin girls after lunch was finished, so it was just the three of them. 

The Winchester was currently thinking about what he could write back in response to his younger brother's letter. In the honest truth, Dean was having a hard time adjusting to his new life at Hogwarts, without his brother. Though he did his absolute best not to show it. 

Dean had always tried to be strong for Sammy. He had to be growing up with their father. Dean tried to do his best to show Sam that he was strong, that they could make it through whatever bad times lay ahead. And then the good times came rolling along, and Dean didn't have to lie anymore. But for some reason, he kept up the facade that Dean was so emotionally strong when he wasn't. 

"I'm going to go back to the Gryffindor common room, my brother'll be expecting a letter back," Dean says before breaking away from his friends and heading up to the Gryffindor common room. 

The Gryffindor common room lay on the opposite side of the school that Dean and his friends had just been walking through, so it took the boy a bit of time to finally arrive at the common room. 

Once inside, Dean didn't stop to visit with the other Gryffindors, instead heading up to his room to get some paper and a writing utensil. 

Amendiel sat on his bed, a book in his lap when Dean entered their shared room. The boy looked up as Dean came walking in and gave the other wizard a small smile. Dean responded with an even smaller smile. 

With some paper ready, Dean sat down on his bed and started to write the letter to his brother. 


Hey, bud. School's been great so far. I got sorted into Gryffindor and I'm sharing a room with four other people. Hogwarts is a really beautiful place, it's even more amazing than Bobby described in his stories. I haven't had Bobby's class yet, but I'll have it tomorrow. It's only the first day here. 

And, yes, I've made some friends already. There's Charlie, Castiel and Meg. They're all from different Hogwarts houses, though, so I can't see them a lot. 

Charlie is really sweet. She's muggle born and seems to have quite the knowledge on muggle technology. Apparently she plays pretend games on some sort of line with people she doesn't even know! She's a Hufflepuff. 

There's Meg, who is a Slytherin. Meg's like one of those people who you dislike but can also find a way to live with. Though Meg seems to have a lot of friends in her own house already, so I probably won't be seeing much of her. 

And then there's Castiel. Cas is really cool. He's in Hufflepuff and actually made the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and it's only the first day! No one has joined the Quidditch team in their first year since Harry Potter! And before Potter, no one for over a hundred years! I have to admit I'm a little jealous of him, but hopefully I'll get onto the Gryffindor team in my later years at Hogwarts. Cas also has a lot of siblings. Two of which are older and already here at school. But he has a brother who is the same age as you! You'll probably be in the same year as Cas' younger brother. His name's Gabriel.

Anyway, the first day of classes has gone well. And the food is really good. There's a lot of food. And a lot of pie! You know how I love my pie. Bobby seems good, I'll probably talk to him tomorrow after class. Give him an update on "how my idijit life at Hogwarts" has been going. 

I'll definitely be home for the holidays! You think I wouldn't come home and visit? I'm offended! And who knows? Maybe I will bring a friend along. 

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