The Start of Break

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//Oh hey, more main characters are finally coming into the picture!\\

It was the night before the holiday break. Tests had just been completed in multiple different classes to "see how far everyone has gotten". The students were all tired and ready for a long break. The Holiday break lasted three weeks. Starting about a week before Christmas Day and ending just after New Years Day. 

Cas and Dean sat together in the Panic Room, late at night. Currently, they weren't trying to sleep, just talking quietly to each other. The deva had his wings out and his black wings were settled lazily behind his back. 

Bobby had gotten back to Dean about Cas spending the vacation at his house, he had said yes. Bobby had even asked Michael if Cas could stay, as Bobby knew of the not-so-great household the Novaks lived in. Michael had told Bobby about his life back home, as he trusted the Head of Gryffindor. And although Bobby didn't know what Cas' condition was when Michael told him, he knew he had one. Michael had also agreed to let Cas go. To make it better, Gabriel had decided to go with Castiel to Dean's house too. 

With Cas' permission, Dean had explained to Bobby Cas' situation. Bobby took the information well and informed Cas that he would not have to hide his wings while at his house, though he could if he did not feel comfortable. Cas thanked him. 

Right now, Cas and Dean sat on their beanbags, chatting about how they would be spending the vacation. Dean was really excited about introducing Cas to Sam, he had a feeling his best friend and brother would get along. 

Dean was telling Cas about his plan to show the deva all the cool places around his town. Though the Singers and Winchesters lived in a muggle-filled town, they still managed to keep their statuses as wizards a secret. Dean mentioned how Ellen's cooking was simply the best, and that they would be having a Christmas feast. 

"Though, Bobby probably will invite Professor Rufus Turner, the Ancient History teacher, and Professor Kelly Kline who teaches Earth Magic. They are all cool and accepting, but it's okay if you don't want them to know about your wings." Dean was super aware that Cas may end up feeling uncomfortable around new people, especially with his wings out, so he made sure to make it clear that it was okay if Cas didn't want his wings visible. 

"And, oohhhhhhh, you have to try Ellen's pies. They are even better than the ones here. And the ones here are hella good." Dean grinned. 

Cas smiled. "I can't wait." 


Bags were packed and students were ready to leave. Cas was back in his trench-coat. The pure-blood quickly ran up to Dean when he spotted the other boy, his coat flying behind him. "Hi," Cas huffed when he reached Dean. In one hand, Cas carried his suitcase filled with clothes and his other items. In his other hand, he carried his new broom. 

Dean greeted him back with a smile. "I'm really excited for this." 

"Me too," Cas says. 

Charlie catches up to them. She had a sweater on. The sweater had a muggle roleplaying logo in the middle of it, Charlie wore it proudly even though most students had no idea what the logo was from. 

"'Sup, bitches!" Charlie greeted them, grinning her signature grin at them. Even at 11, Charlie knew many muggle swears and would go around saying them because she wouldn't get in trouble for saying a muggle swear in a wizarding school. 

(And the amount of times Charlie would go around just saying "fuck you!" to anyone was too many to count. And sometimes, she would accidentally say it to a muggleborn and either get laughed at or get yelled at. Either way, it was still fun. Dean certainly had some laughs watching Charlie do this.) 

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