The Game

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When Dean awoke the next morning got, the school alarm had not yet gone off, so he assumed it was earlier than 7:00. With tired eyes, he looked over at his friend. Cas was not yet awake and he was sleeping peacefully. 

Dean thought it was just him and Cas in the Panic Room, but he was wrong. A Hogwarts house elf worked silently. The house elf had clothes in her hands. Dean recognized the clothes as Hogwarts uniforms.

"Hey," Dean spoke, calling to the house elf. 

The house elf jumped. "Oh, hello Master Winchester. Mylie apologizes for waking you. Master Lupin has asked Mylie to bring Master Winchester and Master Novak their Hogwarts uniforms." Mylie the house elf explained what she was going in the supposedly secret Panic Room. 

By now, Castiel had woken up. The deva stirred in his spot, his black wings ruffling beside him. 

Dean glanced over at Cas when the other boy had started to move. 

When Cas Caen to and realized the pair of boys weren't alone, he instinctively jumped back in his beanbag chair, his wings being pulled against his back before disappearing. Dean made note to ask Cas how exactly he did that. Dean was still new to the whole wing thing. 

Mylie apologizes to Cas and Dean once again before placing their clothes on floor before disappearing with a snap of her fingers.

"That was strange," Dean comments when the house elf leaves. The Winchester shrugs and turns to his new mate. "So, Cas did you sleep well? I certainly did, these beanbags are way comfier than they look." 

The pure-blood nods, "yes, I slept well. Better than have all year." Cas smiles. 

Dean grins. "I'm glad. Are you excited for your first game as seeker?" 

Cas laughs nervously. "I am pretty anxious about it, to be truthful. But also excited."

"You'll do great," Dean assures him. "Whether you win or loose."

The deva smiles, "thanks, Dean. I hope you end up being correct."

Dean thought for a moment. "Hey. You mentioned Michael saying you were a natural on a broom. Is that because you were literally born to fly?" 

Cas laughs softly. "Yes, you could say that." 

"Have you actually used your wings for flight before? Are they strong enough to hold you?" Dean asks him, curiously.

"I believe they are strong enough to hold me, yes," Cas answers, "however, I haven't tried in a long time. My father caught me flying while my siblings were using their brooms and flying around. Well, I should just say it ended well. Every now and again, I would use one of their brooms. I was good at it, but it could never compete with the feeling of flying free." 

Dean nods, frowning at the way Cas' father used to treat Cas. Dean would probably never get over the fact that abuse was the way Cas grew up.

"Come on," Dean stood up, "we should probably get dressed and go down to the Great Hall so we won't be late. We don't want to raise any more suspicion. A couple people are probably already suspicious that we didn't show up at our common rooms." 

Cas copied his movements and stood up, stretching a bit. His wings reappeared on his back, stretching out to their full extent. 

"How does that work?" Dean asks, "your wings disappearing and reappearing?" 

"Well, I have two options for hiding my wings. One of them being hiding them under my clothes. Which has gotten a bit complicated with the new set of wings I have. Or, I can hide the, on a different plane of existence; where they are invisible but still there. I use the other plane of existence to phase my wings through any clothes without destroying them. I usually hide my wings under my clothes because putting them in the other plane is energy draining. But I think I'm getting better at having them that way, in the other plan of existence." Castiel explains his wing situation. 

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