Back to the BAU

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It had been a week since you had met Reid at the pool. Things were weird. Once you got back to the BAU he barely spoke to you or even looked at you. You decided to ignore it, if he changed his mind about the date then fine you weren't gonna make a huge deal out of it. You were doing some paperwork when you felt someone standing next to your desk. You looked up to see Hotch. "Good morning sir." You smiled weakly. For some reason Hotch made you extremely nervous. He nodded at you. "I need you and Reid to meet me in my office." He spoke his voice showing no emotion. You nodded nervously standing up and following him to his office. You worried that Hotch had found out about you two and he was upset. As you walked into your office Spencer was already sitting in a chair. He didn't even look up at you as you sat down next to him. "Okay I need you guys to go undercover as a couple." Hotch said looking at the two of you. "What?" You managed to ask. "We have a dangerous unsub who we believe has a pregnant wife or girlfriend. We need you two to join the class they are in so you can keep an eye on him and help us catch him." Hotch explained. Reid finally looked over at you and then nodded at Hotch. You still sat there slightly confused. "I know this is not our usual assignments but my boss has requested this approach as we have no proof yet to be able to arrest the unsub, we figured this class would be when he is most likely to be caught off guard" Hotch looked at you almost pleading you to agree. "Okay this should be..interesting." You nodded. Hotch smiled which was odd for him and explained you and Reid would have to live together for as long as it takes. "We can stay at my apartment." Spencer spoke up and then walked out of the office leaving you behind.

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