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I'm already here in manila but I'm still at the airport because the two suddenly disappeared I'm looking for jeany and herline,

yes they came with me because I can't do anything they please at me but atleast I have someone here in manila hahaha

until a few minutes later they arrived carrying a big box of food? a big box really? do we look hungry here in manila? and they actually brought a big box full of food

"maybe we'll be hungry haha" said herline "it's not obvious herline maybe you just ate that all we looked like a thief then you made me a slave, what?" jeany complained and immediately looked to the other side then laughed "It's okay, you just look like a thief hahahaha" Herline teased and then laughed at the same time

"so where are we going now arianne?" jeany asked "just wait let's go here to hmmmp" I said while thinking "Let's just take a taxi to make sure where we are" said herline "I really want to sit down" she added "let's take a taxi" I said and we immediately took our belongings oh well they brought more things due to buy a big box full of food.

I took a taxi so we could get on and I asked where amiya raya homes are, because we will live there, yes, when I was invited for the model,

we immediately looked for a house to live in, then we chose rent to own but in rizal amiya raya homes we only chose because it was loose rent to own and we immediately pay down with money worth php 500,000.00 for only half we will pay next time then later we will sign for the house we split there with money worth php 170,000.00  each of us.

When we got home we immediately called the seller to sign it as soon as possible so we can get started when we went inside it was nice because it was everything in here and also worth buying because the sale was rushed and then it was complete with tv, beds, refrigerator, etc.

You just bring only your clothes here but as what I said we will pay half more next month because this house exact ammount worth of 1Million pesos thats why its worth it to buy.

Herline immediately put the food she bought in the refrigerator it is also worth it for what she did at least we will not go out to buy foods,.

we have already started to cleaned the house here so that somehow the place where we live will be clean, we help each other to clean this house.

a few minutes later I fell asleep in bed because I was so tired


I woke up with someone with me ....

with a man ?? wait ??

I stared at him as he looked into far away, theres a light of his face,.

I looked around i feel i am in  somewhere else

it looks really beautiful I can not explain the beauty of the surroundings I feel comfortable that I am with him the joy of feeling, i feel i love him but i cant totally see his face because of the light of the side of his face.


beep!!!!!!...... beeep!!!!!........

sound of my cellphone so I woke up, the beauty of my dream is so beautiful i got up and sat on the chair while combing my hair,

if my dream before used to be ugly but now I have a nice feeling that he is close to me,.

i noticed that it was quiet here in upstairs, yes, our house has a second floor, then I was upstairs,

I looked for them jeany and herline and when i saw the time its already 4 o'clock in the afternoon,

so I cooked the dish first and i steam the rice for later, its ready to eat.

I saw jeany and herline jean was wearing a comoflauge clothes with red jacket and herline was plain brown clothes with a hat  then they laughed together,

i asked them what they were doing they said they make a music video and they have new friends,

like what? immediately?

It looks like they just finished making their video because they are sweating and they are gasping and herline is one who sing for the video their making.


Do I look like I'm taking care of children?

"I'll change my clothes first ha" said herline and went upstairs jeany and I just staring each other

"what? can't you change? you already sweat" I said and then sat in the chair "later herline will be the one whos tired there hahaha he just sang while dancing and im just I danced hahaahaha "she said to me we are here in the kitchen because we are going to eat.

"I bought some sushi, maybe you wants it" said herline, jeany and I glared because it was our favorite hahaaha

and we have prepared food on the table for ready to eat,  I cooked calamaris and steam rice and prawn sesami toast, jeany bought goan crub curry and labster malay curry.

okey our neck is ready for the high blood hahahha

When we finished eating, we washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and then  went upstairs to sleep because there was also a TV in the room.

herline earlier dancing while looking at the video they make I don't know but I really laughed because it was nice and the video they made was funny.


( this is the music video they made just click the video.

anyway hope you like what I did if there are error words  please just consider it and I hope my work is not ugly, also jean and herline that people i used is one of the famouse vlogger here in Philippines. thank you hope you like it )

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