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Not that fast? Is this guy crazy? I can hardly see anything with the wind constantly slapping my face.
This guy is insane.
"IF THIS BIKE DOESN'T KILL YOU , THEN I WILL" I threaten tighten my grip around his waist.
Yes, I am currently on his bike, his power bike, like the kind of bike you would use in a professional bike race.
When I had asked, more like ordered , him to give me a ride home, I thought he had a car like normal people.
Boy, was I wrong.
Apparently, Cars are lame and he loved the feeling of adrenaline he got when riding his bike. I don't even want to know where he got the money to buy this thing.
"You're already killing me with your iron grip" he retorts" i can barely breath."
I could here the taunt in his voice.
"Shut up" i reply, still not letting go of his waist.
I mean , I may not love my life but that doesn't mean I want to die like this.

We get to the my house really fast and I have never been so eager in my life to get home. Immediately, he stops the bike, I try to get down but I feel really dizzy plus the bike is really high.
He comes down from the bike and helps me come down. I start to feel even more dizzy and hold the bike for support. The weirdo extends his hands to help me but I raise one of my hands as a sign to stop him.
"Are you okay?" He asks with foreign look on his face.
It made me feel weird.
"I'm fine" i force out, trying to get myself. When I feel better, I straighten up. I realise that the helmet was still on my head. I try to remove it but it is hard to.
"Get this stupid thing off my head " i let out in frustration.
He laughs mildly, slowly removing my hands from the helmet. I immediately yank my hands from his grasp.
He goes for the helmet, removing strap first. The helmet was the kind that covered your whole face so it was really hard for me to remove. Or its probably because I'm generally not a patient person. After a few seconds , he successfully removes the helmet from my head. I take a breath of fresh air and look up to see him looking at me. His stare was so intense , it made me feel uneasy and his 6'4 over my 5'9 didn't make matters better.
"What?" I ask, harshly, snapping him out of his trance.
He smiles " You just look even more beautiful up close"
That caught me off guard but I get myself back and raise an eyebrow in question.
"And even with your hair looking all dishelved" he adds, chuckling slightly. "It's adorable"
I stare at him in confusion until I realise what he was talking taking about.
Of course, the stupid helmet messes up my hair.
I could feel that my ponytail was lowered and some strands of my hair were falling on my face.
"Here, let me help" he offers stretching out his hand to my hair but I swat it away.
"It's my hair. I'll do it myself" i say, quickly retying my hair into a pony tail.

I turn to weirdo " Though your bike was extremely dangerous and could have killed me, it did help me get home " i start " Good job. Now you may leave."
He stares at weirdly me for a little while and then breaks into a smile" You are really bad at saying 'thank you"
I give him a nonchalant look.
" Though I have found something that the All powerful Jessica Jordan is afraid of" he says, smirking." My bike"
I glare at him " i wasn't afraid. I was just startled" i point out.
"Yeah, tell that to my rumpled shirt" he taunts, pointing at his shirt.
I glare even harder.
"You know, if you keep on glaring at people like that, you'll end up getting a headache" he lectures.
"It's my headache, not yours" i retort.
He raises his hands up in surrender "Okay. Oh, by the way..."
"You can go now" i cut him off.
He chuckles " Okay okay. I'm going"
He puts his helmet back on and climbs on his bike, more like suicide machine. " I'll call you"

"Don't be dumb. I broke my phone" i state, indifferently.
"You and i both know that it probably wont take u long to get a new phone" he states, cockily.
Dang it.
"I Don't like calls" i deadpan
"Okay then, I'll text to"
"Don't do either"
"I'm afraid I can't follow that instruction as I am your tutor now and we have to stay connected."

Jessie - light at the end of the tunnelWhere stories live. Discover now