Chapter 57: Perfect Balance

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Ezekiel shot a beam of blue light at Serafina who just raised her hand holding the amulet before blasting Ezekiel away from her. With all the hindrances finally gone, the lady in black raised a glowing hand and reached for the fusion's chest.

"Say goodbye to your Cores."


The fusion's eyes suddenly glowed with a golden light along with the lightning and wavy markings all over his body. Before Serafina could do anything, the fusion held her wrist tightly, making the spot smoke and sizzle. The lady in black just stared in wide-eyed shock and disbelief at the fusion glaring at her.

At the same time, an orb of golden light formed around the two and expanded. All the people on the islands suddenly rose into the air as sparkling golden dust fell on them, their injuries and wounds healing in an instant. Smiling or confused faces looked around them or at their bodies in wonder.

Green and purple smoke suddenly escaped from Serafina and flew back at the fusion. The lady in black struggled and fought her captor, but the fusion didn't even flinch as he took back all the magic taken from him.

The fusion looked at Professor Elena with its blazing eyes. "Leave. Now."

"But. . . You might need our help-"


The Temporal Weirdo stared at the fusion for several moments before opening portals all over the place that swallowed all the people. The swirling vortices of white light closed in unison with a loud crack, leaving the fusion and Serafina alone.

The former seemed to be finally done taking his power back. The last thing that came out of Serafina's wrist was a small glob of something dark and thick-Ike's blood. The glob of blood vaporized into smoke that flew back to the fusion and permeated through his skin.

"You have committed transgressions against the various laws of the universe, crimes that are both unacceptable and unforgivable. For those, you should pay heavily, Serafina."

The orb of golden light imploded as streaks of flames flew back to the hand of the fusion. A powerful explosion of light and fire lit up the night sky, also illuminating the floating islands. A body suddenly came flying out of the explosion. It was Rubio. Thankfully, a smoky rope of blue light wrapped around his body and prevented him from crashing back to the Earth.

"I got you," Ezekiel said as they landed on a floating island.

RB blinked several times as Ezekiel lowered him on the ground. "What happened?"

The explosion finally subsided, revealing a view of crashed or flattened buildings. None of the structures remained standing after the explosion. Ezekiel's eyes widened upon seeing a group of people currently floating in the air around the island where Serafina's smoking body has crashed.

"The Predecessors. . ." Ezekiel whispered, looking at the group in awe and taking several steps towards them.

The people looked like ghosts with their glowing bodies which were a little bit transparent. Despite their varied looks and attires, they all have the same glowing green eyes and lightning markings on their bodies. Ezekiel's eyes brimmed with tears as he lowered his head at them as if to pay his respects.

One of the Primes turned around and saw Ezekiel. "It's been a long time, Cygnus," Elijah said as he approached the guy in black. "You still look the same."

"What's happening here?" RB asked as he exchanged confused stares between the two.

Tears dripped down Ezekiel's face as he smiled at the Ninth Prime. "Did I. . . Did I do good?" the guy in black asked. For some strange reason, the sight of Ezekiel asking that question reminded RB of a child asking for a praise from his parents.

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