~Chapter 3: Re-meeting Everyone~

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~Font/Classic's PoV~

Ink: "So, Font, what was your AU like before it became blank?"

Frick! What do I say!? Think, Classic, think! ...Alright, I think I've got a somewhat ok backstory. I can just use mine. Not like they know mine anyways (Note: In this, the other AUs had actual parents, including Dust and Horror and Undertale AUs that are like that.

Font: "Well, I was made from a lab experiment. My soul's artificial. I feel real feelings and everything, so don't worry about that. I was made by Dr. Gaster."

When I said HIS name, Cross looked shocked. As did everyone else. I continued.

"He also made me a "brother", of sorts. He didn't mean for us to ever meet, but we did. We're not actual brothers, but I guess we have that sort of bond. His name was Papyrus. He was like a little brother to me. But Gaster, he... he did experiments on us. Awful experiments. So bad my HoPe went down to 1. Papyrus might have been the same as me if he remembered, I don't know. Anyways, after years of being experimented on, I had enough. So, I pushed him into his own creation. The Void.

I didn't want to, but I had no choice. So after I did, I took Papyrus and ran. Ran far away from that place. I had to live stealing food for me and Papyrus. I soon got a job, which helped me get enough money to get both of us some food an for Papyrus to go to school. I couldn't exactly go to school, as I needed to work, but I did find some old textbooks about the subjects kids my age would be learning. Probably from someone a year older than I was. I would learn like that every year. One year, I even found some books on Quantum Mechanics. 

I eventually saved enough money for me and my brother to get a house in Snowdin. And then, one day, everything became white. I don't know why. It just... did. I was alone. But I do have some powers from the experiments. Shadow powers, to be exact. I can manipulate shadows, shadow-travel, and also disappear into shadows. (MAY OR MAY NOT BE INSPIRED BY NICO'S POWERS-) It's unstable most of the time, and someone controls me. Which is why I won't use it unless in a worse case situation. Any questions?"

Ok, so the last few bits were a lie, but oh well. 

Blue: "What happened on the day when everything went blank? If it's ok with you..."

Now I feel bad about lying. Why do you have to make me feel like that, Blue?

Font: "No, it's fine Blue. Papyrus woke me up as per usual, and I started the day off at the sentry post, as per usual. I knocked on the door to talk to the lady behind it, but she didn't answer. I waited for a bit. Still, nothing. I saw a dusty human open the door, wearing a purple and blue sweater. They were kind of glitchy as well. And that's when everything and everyone became white."

Blue: "O-Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..."

Font: "It's fine. Any more?"

Silence. After a little bit, Ink spoke up.

Ink: "Well, everyone tell him your names!"

All: "Nightmare, Cross, ErR0r, Dust, Horror, Killer, Dream, Blue, Geno, Fell, Sci, Time Kid (TK)."

Font: "Well, nice to meet you all!"

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