~Chapter 5: Yin to your Yang~

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~Sans's PoV~

Welp. This is kinda a bad situation, isn't it?

Sans: "How about we drop the pointy objects and talk this out?"

Sol: "I'm afraid I cannot do that."

Sol had a cocky smile on his face.

Sol: "This was easier then I expected."

He swung the sword.

I dodged.

Sans: "Did you REALLY think it was going to be that easy? Heh. Well then, are you ready for a 

B A D  T I M E?"

I grabbed a hold of his soul, which was mainly a yellow-orange with some bright orange and yellow; it looked like a mini version of the sun. I slammed him against the floor and used my shadows to hold him down. It was easier to control them in the light. They only held him for a few seconds at most, as he used his light to burn them. He grabbed his sword, and rushed towards me and swung at me. I dodged as he continue to swing at me. I summoned a bone to block his sword. I quickly went for a hit and hit him in his side.

It did 45 HP. That's how I saw just how much health he had.

955/1000 HP.

1000 HP?! Sol got up, and picked up his sword. He turned a pastel yellow for a second, then back to how he was before. He smiled another cocky grin.

Sol: "Heh. At this rate, I'll easily be able to defeat you! But alas, maybe now is not the best time to continue to battle. I would hate to get outnumbered."

He looked at the AUs.

Sol: "Well, I'll make sure you sleep with one eye open, because I won't give up!"

And with that, he teleported away.

I coughed, as using my shadows still had some recoil as my body wasn't quite used to it. I wiped the pitch dark substance  of my mouth. It tasted like ink. I looked at the AUs. They just looked back at me in confused silence.

Font: "Well, let go back to the Mansion, eh?"

Ink: "Uh... who was that?

Font: "I don't even know. But ah well, I'm outta here. I'll see ya back at the Mansion."

I teleported to my room, and promptly fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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