Ch. 19 - The Updraft

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"Ab-about me?!" Alysa stuttered in disbelief.

Rodney continued to hold his gaze on Al as she turned to Jared in confusion.

"Wha-what are they saying ..." Alysa began, turning to Rodney.

When she was met with silence she rephrased her question. 

"What are people saying about me Rodney?" She asked, steeling herself for the most likely unpleasant response.

"People are noticing the differences around town since you arrived." Rodney said with no emotion in his voice. Alysa could hardly believe this was the same person she had been joking with a few hours earlier.




"There have been rumors." He said as Jared shifted his gaze to a small corner of the room.


It's too soon.


"About the changes in the weather -" Rodney kept talking but his words grew more and more muffled by the ringing Alysa now heard.


This can't be -


" - and the stale wind." He hadn't registered that Alysa was no longer hearing him.




Her thoughts thrashed in her head telling her to run, to get out while she could.


Not now.


"Alysa?" Rodney was now standing much closer to her.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" He said concern, growing prominent in his eyes.

"N-no. I'm sorry I -" Alysa shook away the shouts in her head, or at least tried to, and looked for Jared - but he was no longer there.


Where is he?


"We need to get you out Al -" He said, placing his hands on her shoulders to ground her in reality.


I can't leave him.


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