Chapter 1

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3 months before Asta:
"You are marrying Langris or did you forget." Finral says. Me and him were on a mission together since i asked Yami if we could go together.
"Oh no I havent forgot I have to marry the brother that hates me." I say throwing my cards at the bandits.
"Then why do you flirt like you arent getting married. Ace you know this."
"Is what my family wants. Or are you going to say is best for me because no its not finral. This is hurting me to know that I will never be able to marry for love because i am promised to the head of Vaude like a trophy wife. So shut it."
"For Love???" He says and I walk away.
"Get us back home. Its done here." I say and we went back to the base.
"You were requested to go training with Mereleona in the strong mana region." Yami says as i go to walk away.
"Do you know for how long?"
"5-6 months." He says and I nod.
"Ill go." I say and Finral looks at me.
"Stop calling me that we arent kids anymore." I say and go to pack my bags.
I was walking out when our recruit of 1 year came up to me.
"Where are you going?"
"Training. Give Yami your notice and you can train too."I say and i left.
5 months later Astas pov.
"Captain Yami said there are these members are on vacation or training tell me about them." I say and they look at me and laugh.
"Well the ones we know are gone are Lexi, Mason, Addi, Mina, and Ivy." Magna says.
"What are they like."
"Well lets start with Mason he is Captain Yamis little brother. Really powerful." Vanessa says.
"Then we have technically our vice captain Mina. Her and Captain Yami are in love with each other. Mina and Mason are on a long term mission " Finral says laughing.
"Lexi is like a demon all by herself. Likes pranks and stuff. She is rather annoying with her glitter magic." Gauche says.
"Ivy has really powerful magic and is super nice." Chramy says.
"And Addison, most call her Addi but things are different between her and Finral."
"Ace has been my best friend since we learned how to walk. She left 5 months ago after we got in a fight. You see she has an arranged marriage with my younger brother." He say looking sadly.
"But you see Newbie she doesnt like Langris and is trying to get out of the arrangement."
"Only way she is going to do that is if she gets disowned or I become the head of house instead."
We talked about them a little more when we heard the doors open. A girl with purple hair walks in with a boy with purple hair.
"Come on Addi I just want to see what you learned with the cards."
"I told it I learned some new tricks thats about it." I see her laugh.
"Ace?" Finral says.
Addis pov
"Hey Fin. Wheres Yami have to tell the old man im back."
"Addi fight me!!" Luck says.
"Know what yeah luck let me go put on my cloak and i will meet you outside." I go to my room followed by Aiden.
"I talked to mom and dad. They said you either marry Langris or be kicked out of house Lancaster at least that was dads reaction mom said you could go by her last name until you marry Finral after all." He says as i put my black bull robe on.
"How did..."
"I have know since you were 10. How you looked at him. How when you turned 16 you got upset because he flirted with everyone but you. How you joined the black bulls tho william wanted you in the golden dawn cause you had potential."
"I have to go....' I say walking out but stop' hey whats moms maiden name??" I asked and he looked at me.
"Her last name was Grayson. Seems fitting. And hey Addison Grayson isnt bad." He says and I walk out.
"Addi are you sure this is the best idea you dont fight normally." Finral says
"You cant stop me. " i say walking over to Luck.
"Dont think i am going to go easy on you." Luck says.
"Never... Conjuring magic cards." I say
"You asked for it." He says. And charges at me. With Mere I worked on speed and acrobatics as well as knowing the pressure points of an opponent. 
"Wow her speed is incredible." Asta says.
I stopped where i was right in front of Luck.
I threw a card and it missed now to use my next trick.
Finrals pov.
I knew she was going to be different after training but this change in 5 months.
"Her card missed." Aiden says.
"Wait did it just changed directions to Luck." Magna says and then the card explodes
"She figured it out. I knew she would." Aiden says
"What?" I asked.
"She has atom manipulation of card how she can make it turn a certain way and exploding. It took her time but she figured it out." He says smiling at his little sister.
"I knew Ace could do it. Langris will be please she isnt weak anymore." I say looking sad.
"Oh she isnt marrying your brother. She picked to be disowned because she wants to be with her true love." He says.
"She is changing her name like me to get away from her family. Wow really??" I asked looking at the girl who looks like she is getting tired.
"She is getting tired." I say looking at the girl I cant help but love.
"She is fine. As my brother would say she is pushing past her limits." Mason says.
"Mason and Mina are back."  Yami says hugging Mina. Captain is always different with her.
"Well that is 3 out of 5." I say jokingly
"4 actually." I turn around to see Ivy.
"The amount she has grown is incredible." I say when i see luck going to attack her. I thought she would block it. But then when luck striked her she fell.
"Ace!!!" I run to her.
"Is it bed time already." She says and i pick her up and open a portal to her room.
"You are going to be fine Ace." I say going to go get some ice to put on her head.
"Fin why dont you flirt with me like other girls?" She says and then she fell asleep.
"Because I have no chance with a girl as great as you." I say and I left back to the main room.
"And number 5 is back." Gauche says coming out covered in glitter.
"Oh how I missed all of them." Gordan says.
I walk outside and sit down and Aiden sits next to me.
"Its me. The reason she doesnt want to marry Langris is because of me." I say and he wraps an arm around me.
"It always has. Why she hates him. Why she gets mad that you flirt with everyone but her. Why she left to train to become tougher to change their minds."
"I am nothing. A waste of space. Not the guy for her. She will find her true love one day just not me. She deserves so much more."I say looking down.
"But do you want that?" I look up to the sky and says.
"What I want shouldn't matter when it comes to her." I say walking away.

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