Chapter 3

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The next morning
Addis pov
I woke up with Finrals arms wrapped around me and i had a headache.
"Fin I meed you to get off of me so i can get some pain killers."
"We didn't do anything i swear you were drunk and you asked me to stay after I took you here." I hug him.
"Thank you." I say and then i left to breakfast.
"Last night was fun girl. "
"Yeah it was." Up until that guy. I remember Finral saving me call me his girlfriend. I look at him and i won't tell him i know.
"So what happened with that guy last night that you stayed with after I went to sleep."
"Its not going to work out behind me and him he was trying to get at my body but someone saved me." I say smiling at Finral. Who also smiles slightly to me.
"Oh oh....."Vanessa looks at the two of us.
"No nothing happened there. My best friend came to my recuse that is it. So dont be getting ideas I am going to go train."
I say heading outside.
I go to an empty field.
"Conjuring magic- cards" I say and my deck comes out and flys around me. Then I found the one I was looking for.
I put the rest back into the Grimoire and looked at the cards.
"So Finral was right you got a joker card." Yami says.
"Captain Yami?" I asked looking at him.
"Alister and i were talking about this with Jullius. The joker is what makes you different from your siblings."
"What are you saying Yami."
"Jullius was doing research into your magic. You see Joker can take an attack that hit you and be able to recreate that with more force."
"You are saying I am unstoppable."
"We dont know the limits of your magic yet. You need to be careful."
" Yami you haven't seen everything I learned. I came close to beating her. She said i was fun." I say. And he smiles at me.
"So lucks hit?"
"Dont let it happen again."
"Yes sir." I say saluting.
That night.
Noelle was having a hard time controling her magic but everyone started to say words of encouragement to her.
"Noelle I know what its like to be told you will never be good enough. Lets prove them wrong together." I yell and she does it control her magic.
"I knew you could do it." Asta says.
And we were ready.
The next night.
We were ready all of us in our magic knight outfit. The 11 of us were ready to go. We entered in with Noelles bubble.
I was squished up against Finral.
"Hey Noelle can you make it a little not squished." Magna says.
"Calm down i am fixing it."
"Im not complaining." Finral says putting his arms around me..
Back 2 days ago Lexis pov.
"Ello Captian."
"Ah Lexi good to see you here. Sorry I would show you around except I have a meeting with Nozel in a minute. You however will be ah honorary golden dawn member with this robe. And will be going on a mission with Klaus, Mirmosa, and Yuno."
"Um sir but I dont know." I say laughing.
"Well this is going to be."
"Who is the annoying pest."
"A guest Langris behave." William says.
"Wow you let the dog in the house no wander Addi called off the engagememt with you."
"Why you little bug."
"Hey I am a noble too. Noelle has made me sad calling me a bug when i clearly am not."
"Go find your team mates. And Langris leave the girl alone." William says and i go to the messhall. And i found a tall guy with glasses next to a handsome guy and a shorter girl.
I tap the glasses guy shoulder.
"Excuse me are you Klaus."
"We have met before black bull."
"And your Leo's cousin right??" I say looking at Mimosa.
"Yes and Noelles cousin. You are Captain Rills sister right?" She asked.
"Yep the name is Lexi. Glitter magic and you tall dark and handsome are...."
"That's Yuno."
"Okay i told Willy I don't know so is this prank Lexi day."
"My name is Yuno shorty." He says.
"Okay attention i need his name. And if one of you says some silly ass name I will glitter bomb all of you."
"His name is Yuno." They say and I put glitter everywhere.
"Damn it." I yell. And then he blew it away.
Oh I am not going to like him.
Back to Addisons pov.
"The bubble has been bigger for a while now fin you can let go." I say and see we close. I activate mana skin.
"Conjuring magic card bridge."
"Hey kid you read." He says looking at asta and me. We nod. We run Asta his me with his anti magic sword.
"Joker card- release." I say creating a hole for our squad to get in and then we start to fall but Finral catches me.
"Thanks Fin."
"Any time Ace." He says. We explore a little when they told us to go into the cave. After Yami said yes to the game we were teleported. I was next to Yami.
"Yami. Where is everyone else."
"You two are too powerful it wouldn't be fair." He said. And i sit next to Yami. I saw Finral hid and run away. And it was fine we were winning until one guy decides to interfere with the game.
"That is one of the midnight sun 3 eye freaks."
"Ah who now?"
"The guys that attacked Fuegoleon these are the strongest members."
"We need to help them i need to help Fin." I say and see we have a barrier around us.
"We arent getting out." Yami says. I see magna and Luck fighting. They got this. I see finral hiding. Please stay hidden. Be the coward one last time.
After luck and Magna lost. It was Asta and one of the guys form the merpeople team. Yami told them to push past their limits. It was a while and noelle and their singing friend is hurt. After that Vanessa Joined the fight and then Finral joined.
"No Finral don't." I say scared.
"He will be fine."
"I need to help him." I yell and start to throw cards out of the hole.
"Should we stop her?" The old man asked.
"No she may be our way out." He says. And I start to glow. After seeing him hurting Asta.
"Let me out." I say and activate my Joker Card but this was glowed white.
"What magic does she have."
"Atom manipulation of card."
"Conjuring magic- joker white mode- atom manipulation magic shield takedown." I say and the shield goes down. We take out the guy and head over to see everyone okay.
"FINRAL!!!" I yell going over to him. I hug him not letting go.
"Im fine Ace. I am okay."
"Good job keeping them Alive scary cat." Yami says. He does his awkward laugh and i put my hand on his cheek to look him in the eyes. I turn my head lean in and push my lips on his.
"Finally." Vanessa says as Finral kisses back but we were interrupted by the guy trying to self- destruct.
"Captain Yami."
"Its our turn." He says and i walk next to him.
"Dark magic- dimension slash."
"Conjuring magic- Atom spliting slash." I say pulling out the white joker again glowing white to Yamis dark.
After it was over we walked over to make sure he was dead. But then Finral pulls me over to him and kissed me again. And i kiss back.
"Am I the reason you wont marry Langris."
"You have always been why." I say hugging him.
"Aiden mentioned it. I dont deserve you but..."
"Fin i thought I was going to lose you today please dont."
"I was going to say i want to be with you Ace and i am ready to be selfish." I smile at him.
"You know you need to ask still Finny."
"Will you be my girlfriend Addison Maria Grayson-Lancaster?" I asked and I nod.
"Finally. I am so happy for you two." Nessa says hugging us.
Finral wraps his arms around me.
"Let finsh this so I can take you on a date."

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