Chapter 4

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We headed home a little time later.
Finral opened the portal and i wait for him.
"Remind me to take you here again when we aren't trying to save the whole kingdom." Fin says in my ear.
"Okay." I say walking through the portal with Finral holding my hand.
"Feels great to be home again."I say as Finral puts an arm around me shoulder.
"Yeah it's great Ace." He says smiling his smile at me.
"Wait I just noticed you left Gordon." I yell at him.
"Grey was being Gordon." He says.
"Then why didn't you go back for him."
"I didn't think about that."
"Already fighting like a married couple."  Vanessa says.
"Oh quiet down." I say laughing with Finral.
"You get to tell Aiden and Alister." Yami says to Vanessa.
"Yeah yeah I know. I will tell Aiden and he can tell Alister." Nessa says.
"Tell us what that fin finally grew some and they are together?" Aiden says behind us with Alister. Finral jumps and pulls me closer
"Actually your sister kissed him. She was so scared." Nessa says putting her arms around me and finral.
"So our trickster has the pants in the relationship should have known she grew up with us."Aiden says messing around with me and Finral.
"Oh shut it why are you here." I say to my older brothers.
"Oh Yami called Ali here and said that they needed to talk about something. And I am here cause I wanted to see Vanessa."
"What do you have to talk to captain Yami about Alister." Noelle says.
"Oh Noelle looking great in the bulls. You missed me putting Soild in his place however. Oh and then we have you." He says looking at Asta.
"Youre the magicless boy Leo talks about. I am Aiden her older brother and the fire whip king. That is is Alister soon to be head of house the water grim reaper."
"Well your sister should be call the balanced Joker." Yami says.
" What why?" Aiden says.
"Should you show them." Yami says to me and i go out side everyone following.
"Magna will you do the honor." I say laughing.
"Nope i will." Yami says getting his sword read.
"Okay conjuring card magic equip black joker." I say and pull it out.
"Ready." Yami says.
"Always." I say and Yami starts throwing hits at me. The card taking them.
"Okay my turn. Joker Card return." I say and it hits Yami.
"Okay time for the second on." I look at him I don't even know how i did it.
"Dark magic dimenson slash." He says sending it to Aiden and Finral. The white card popped out. I ran over.
"Atom statis field." I say and it blocks it i start panting.
"Thats enough good girl thanks for saving our ride." He says.
"Youre a dick you know that." I return the cards.
"I figured since Finral made it happen the first time it would work again." He says and I finally catch my breathe.
"Great job Yami. " Alister says.
"What are you saying that almost killed me." Aiden says.
"Calm down and let my squad go into our squad hideout." Yami says and we go inside Finral wrapping his arms around me as we welcome ourselves home.
"How dare you all forget Gordon. He said not to be mad at Yami or Addison cause they left early but the rest of you." Lexi says and they look with their heads down. But of course fin puts his head down in my neck.
"Yeah our card girl here got really worried about Finral and kissed him. Oh and she got a serious upgrade with her magic."
"Oh calm down. I learned 2 new spells. Now if you excuse me I am going to go take a nap." I say heading off.
3 weeks later
"Fin I told you I have to go get this magic item real quick. You will be find out here." Me and Finral has been doing pretty well. I was looking for something that will help with my cards. There was one reason our relationship was doing so well. I told Finral that he cant flirt with anyone else. He has almost done it a couple of times but hasnt yet.
"This should help you out miss. As well as I want you to take this. It's a ring that when your true love puts it on you it will glow its how i met my wife. " The old man says. I pay and thank him heading outside. When i reached outside Finral was no where in sight.
"Fin where did you go." I went around the corner and see him flirting with 2 girls from the blue rose.
I drop the magic item for my cards still holding the ring. And I ran off.
I took my broom and went home. And not the black bulls I needed to see my mom.
"Lady Addison??" Our maid asked.
"Is mother here?"
"Yes your father is visiting Sir Alister at the moment." I run to look for mom and i found her in the library.
"Mom??" I say crying and she looks at me.
"Oh Addison. Whats wrong my baby girl." She says putting the book down and walking over go hug me.
"I was dating Finral and i knew he couldnt do it be loyal to only me."
"I am sorry baby. Come on lets make you some lunch." We went into the kitchen and saw father has came home.
"Addison come running home?"
"Yes Sir." I say putting my head down.
"Good the Lancaster family should be back to one. I think you know to be back in the family."
"Means I am marrying Langris. Yes father." As well as i know he will switch me squad but anything is better than being with Finral.
"And i will be transferring you to the Golden Dawn. I will let Julius know."
"Yes Father."
"Addison I expect you to be washed up and ready to go to the golden dawns in an hour."
"Yes sir." I leave and went to get ready. I wore the normal noble clothes and did my hair on a braided bun.
"Aiden was just here i asked him to get your stuff from the Black bulls for you."
"Thanks mom." I say.
"You are gorgeous" she says putting the family crest hair thing in my hair.
Aidens pov.
"She went back to mom and dad?" Alister says sneaking into the black bulls with me.
"Yeah. Mom said she is pretty upset. She is transferring to the Golden Dawn."
"Well Willam gets what he wants."
"You go get her stuff and i will distract everyone else." I say walking in and Alister goes the back way.
"Aiden have you seen Addison. Finral and Asta are looking everywhere for her." Vanessa says.
"No i haven't. Nothing from Addi. Maybe she is in the forest with Mere again. But in other news. I want to get everyone's attention." I say and stand on then table.
"Aiden get down from there." Noelle says.
"Vanessa I have gad a major crush in you since i met you and want to ask you on a date." I said nervous as ever. And I see Alister give me a thumbs up.
"Yeah." She says blushing.
"Great pick you up later got to go." I say running outside and hopped on my broom.
"Are you sure it is the best not to tell them." Alister says.
"For now yes. The black bulls wont let someone leave so easily. Especially Addison." I say looking at him.
"She isnt someone you want to lose. She is definitely something else." He says.
"So the jokers?" I say looking at him.
"The Wizard King thinks they are going to be more powerful that the both of us. Once she gets full control over them."
"Why didnt you tell me. You told me Addi is my responsibly when we left."
"I wasn't thinking it would be so early. It was fueled by emotions . and i dont think she is fully evolved yet. We could not know everything yet." I looking at him in shock.
"You said emotions. She is rather emotional right now." I say.
"She is going to be fine."
Addison pov.
We arrived at the Golden Dawn hideout.
"Nice to see you again Ms. Lancaster."
"Nice to see you again. Captain Vangence." I say.
"Happy to finally have you in the golden dawns."
"Thank you for having me." I bow and he smiles at me.
"You are a senior class 3 am i correct."
"Was the highest black bull other than Yami. "
"You will be working in the same squad as Klaus Mimosa and Yuno."
"Yes sir" I say saluting.
"Wait. I am also putting you in my strongest squad meaning you will be wearing the uniform."
"Yes sir right away." I go to change in my room that Mimosa showed me to. 
"Looking good." William says as I walk away.
"Thank you sir."
"Heard your stronger now." Langris says walking behind William.
"Yes I am now Langris." I say meeting up with Klaus Yuno and Mimosa.
2 weeks later
"Hello Addison." Klaus and Mimosa says
"Hey I had a question?"Yuno says.
"Ask away." I say looking at him.
"Why did you leave the black bulls."
"Personal reasons really." I say looking sadly
"Sounds like someone broke your heart" Mimosa says looking at me.
"Klaus Mimosa Yuno and Addison come on we got to go." William says and we nod and follow.
"Where are we going?" Mimosa says.
"Diamond kingdom attacked." He says and we teleported to where the attacked.
Yamis pov.
"We need to get someone there." Julius says as we watch the attack.
"Look the golden dawns have arrived."
"I will get us there." I say to Julius.
"Finral is around here somewhere asking about addison. " I say looking at Charmy.
"You haven't told them."Julius says.
"No I haven't.  Not my place to tell them." I say as Asta says he wants to help.
"I will watch him" Charmy says. We find Finral and we went to the city.
"Help the civilians." I say going off.
Finrals pov.
"Hey Charmy what do you think the wizard king meant by havent told them yet?" Asta asked.
"I have no idea." Charmy says.
"Did you find anything out??" Asta says to me as i was teleporting people away.
"2 weeks and everyone still says they havent seen her. Alister and Aiden wont talk to me always saying they are busy." I say looking down.
"You cant think the worst." Charmy says.
"Didnt know the black bulls was a day care. Makes sense why she left." Langris says and i look at him.
"What would you know." I yell at him he continues to insult my squad.
"You can insult me all you want but leave my squad alone."
Then I see Yuno and someone run up.
"We took out one of the generals Vice Captain." I look over and saw Addison with her hair in a tight bun. And the Lancaster family crest.
"Addison?" Charmy says.
"Langris orders."
"Go help who needs it, Lancaster." I see her about to leave.
"You went home?" I yell trying to get her attention.
"Yep I'm a Lancaster once again." She says coldly.
"Addison wait." I heard another guy coming up.
"Joker black mode."  She starts to glow black.
"Shes stronger than what she was. Joining the Golden Dawn has made her into her full potential." Langris says smirking.
"Its been 2 weeks?!?!?" Me and Asta says
"And she has managed to get us 6 stars and her exact words were its nice to be in a place where they dont lose her stars." Yuno says.
"She looks better." Asta says
"Cause she is where she was always meant to be." Langris says as he joins her.
Addison's pov.
"Asta could really use your antimage." I saw when i notice the civilians inside.
"Yeah of course." He uses the sword with his mouth.
"They are defeated. Now." Langris says as William uses his magic.
"Nice of Captian Willy to help." I say laughing.
"You coming??" Yuno says giving me room on his cloud.
"You know Alister wants you to meet him." Klaus says as we arrive.
"Not today." I say walking past Yami.
"That robe doesnt look right on you." He says as we both stop.
"Well he should have thought about that before he broke my heart." I say walking away.
"It might be an misunderstanding. You didnt even give him a chance. And not telling them made it worst."
"On who. I was gone most of the time anyways. Plus at least now my good deeds wont go to waste." I say walking over to my squad.
"You hurt a lot of people when you left me included." Yami says waking away.
Finrals pov.
I watched her as she joked around with her new squad. I saw the way William smiled at her jokes.
"I'm sorry Finral." Asta says.
"I dont even know what I did that made her leave. We were getting a magic item that was all. I went to go get is something to drink. Flirted trying to get a discount and went back to the store and she was gone." I say breaking down.
"Thats what the wizard king was talking about." Charmy says.
"You knew.. You had to know she was leaving the squad." I say to Yami.
"Calm down. I wasn't given a reason other than her father put the transfer in. Figured it had to deal with you. Didnt you promise her you would quit flirting."
"Yeah but she wasnt around."
"If there is one thing we know is that Addison is always there." He says wishing she was back. We headed back to the guild and saw everyone.
"So any news on Addison?"  Vanessa says and i noticed Aiden was there. Aiden puts his head down not looking at me.
"You knew? That day you asked out Vanessa? You knew she wasnt in the squad anymore." Charmy says. And we saw Aiden stand up.
"Yes. I did. Me and Alister were getting her stuff. And i used my crush on Vanessa as a distraction. I though you would fix it by now Finral. I never thought it would get this bad." We look at him.
"What do you mean."
"Addison Lancaster is becoming unstable. And we cant stop it. Me and Alister have tried."
"And if we dont fix it soon she wont be able to be fixed. She is closing off all emotions. She will turn into Nozel and we dont need that." Alister says.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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