Chapter 7: Turn That Frown Upside Down

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Chespin slowly opens his eyes, only to find himself lying down in Clemont's tent while being covered by a thick warm blanket. "Huh? Where am I?" He mumbles to himself before he got up and rubs his head. "Oh yeah... That mad Lucario beat me up like a Tauros on a rampage." He thought about what happened to him that time especially what he said previously. "Don't go forgetting what I'm about to tell you, don't get your hopes up that she'll accept you." The words echoes in his head which made him a bit worried. But not about that Braixen will accept him or not, but the fact that he is after her. "I... I gotta do something, Braixen is in danger." He mumbles but then he notice that his fever is gone and he is no longer snorting. "Oh? My flu is gone? Thank Arceus." He sighs before getting up, but he felt a funny feeling in his mouth as he rubs his tongue for a bit. "Odd... Why does it feel like I swallowed something?" He shrugs it off and walks out of the tent, the snow was still falling but it died down slowly and he saw the group were preparing to leave the area.

Clemont noticed Chespin got up from his bed before he ran towards him and picked him up on his hands. "Thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried about you!" Clemont said before Chespin smiles at him. "And it seems like your flu is gone, what a relief." Clemont put Chespin down before he starts disassembling his tent. "I've made your favourite curry near the table, you should eat it now since we have to continue on our journey soon." Clemont suggested before Chespin nods and he walks towards the dining table. While eating, he notice Dedenne was sitting on the table while eating a Sitrus berry. "Oh? You're awake!" Dedenne said before walking on the table towards him while still holding the berry on her paws. "Hey Dedenne! It seems like you're full of energy." "Yep! Especially what happened yesterday, it was very great!" Chespin was a bit surprised by what she said. "What?! I was out for like a day!?" "Well yeah, you missed out everything." "Really now? Can you tell me everything?" Dedenne put her berry down and wipes her chin.

"Well, Braixen were battling this Gallade and Pancham hand over this branch he was holding to Braixen after the battle, she finally move on from her broken stick. And that's all I heard from Pancham." Chespin was sweatdrop a bit since he know that Dedenne is not a good storyteller, but he started to understand what she means. "Well I'm glad that she is okay now. Say, where is she though?" "Braixen? She is sitting behind a tree while frowning." This made Chespin spit the curry that he was chewing. "What?! Where is she?!" Dedenne pointed at the tree where she is before he ran towards it, she notice his curry is still half done so she decides to finish it. Braixen on the other hand was sitting while hugging her knees. "I shouldn't have done that... I'm so stupid..." She mumbles before she heard footsteps approaching her, to her surprised, it was Chespin who approached her. "Braixen! Are you okay?!" She decides to not look at him since she was feeling bad. "Braixen, please tell me what's wrong. You're making me worried." "Please Chespin... Stay away from me, I don't want to hurt you again..." Chespin walked up towards her before he puts his paw on her knee "What do you mean Braixen? When did you hurt me?"

"I kicked you away without any reason that time when you tried to stop me from raging... and you were suffering flu... I feel bad for hurting you..." Braixen admitted before she starts crying and sobbing while hugging her knees even more firmly. "Don't worry about that Braixen, I've forgiven you okay? You don't need to feel bad about that, I'm strong anyway!" Chespin proudly hits his chest light to reassure her. Braixen slowly raises her head to look at him while her tears were making her eyes sparkles. "A-Are you sure that I didn't hurt you?" She asked before he nodded then answer. "Yup! After all, I can't get angry at a cute fox like you, and that's a fact." She was blushing at what he said to her before she smiles happily then pulls him into a soft hug. "Thank you Chespin, thank you." She softly said while he was blushing, but he decides to hug her back. "No problem." They then let go of the hug and they walked back to where the others were. While they are walking, Chespin started talking to Braixen. "Say, Braixen? Do you somehow have a connection with a Lucario?"

Braixen looked at him in confusion. "A Lucario? I don't think I do." Chespin sighs a bit in relieved but he notice that she wasn't done. "But I do know this one strange Riolu." "Huh? A Riolu?" "Yes, he is a strange Riolu indeed. He threw so many flowers at me and never leave me alone, he is always watching me 24/7." He looked down out of worries then back at her and said. "Do you... like him?" "Huh? Of course I don't! He is too clingy and I can't stand him! That's why I'm so glad I got caught and brought to Serena until I ended up meet all of you guys." She explained before smiling down at him. "I'm glad you are here too Braixen, your care for me really made me feel secure." He said while smiling at her. "Hey guys! Let's go!" They saw their trainers called them out before they quickly run towards them. "We're coming!!" Meanwhile, inside the shades was a dark glare that was staring at Braixen, the glare turns out to be the Lucario that was targeting her. "Soon my love, soon you know how much my love is very important to you."

To be continued

My Charm For You (A Chespin x Braixen / Branchnutshipping Story)Where stories live. Discover now