Knowing The Supernatural

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"We are Vampires." 

Chloe's POV -

Ethan said as we all stood speechless and wide eyed. My brain stopped functioning and every part of my body was telling me not to believe them. I kept staring at them until someone spoke.

"You've got to be kidding me." Vernon said trying not to believe them.

"We are already lacking time. And if you think we brought all of you here so urgently just so we can make fun of our reality then I'm sorry Vernon but you are wrong." Cyrus said a bit rudely.

"Calm down Cyrus. They are not used to all these things. Besides, we need their help." Ethan calmed Cyrus.

 "You need to trust us guys. We are vampires. We were never planning on to tell you anything about all these. Our motive was just to protect Demi until she completes her transition and then leave this town. But now it seems we will need your help." Ethan said looking at us.

"Wait hold on. Until she completes her transition? What.......what are you talking about? What does it mean?" Riri asked furrowing her eyebrows.

Ethan sighed heavily and looked at Cyrus before answering.

"Demi is.......she too is a vampire." I felt a my heart aching by his words. My whole body felt numb. 

"DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HER NAME I WILL KILL YOU." Andrew walked up to him furiously and before we could do anything he punched Ethan on the face causing him to fall down and everything turned messy.

"Andrew stop!" Becky shouted as Celine pulled him away. Ethan got up and his nose and lips were bleeding. Ellie walked to him looking worried. "Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Back off Drew, it's not the right time. Control your anger." I said making him look at me.

"Oh my god." I turned around to Celine's voice.

"The's gone. Your's healed." Becky said in a horrified tone.

"Perks of being a vampire. And we knew this isn't gonna end well which is why we were refusing to tell you the truth." Cyrus said.

"How can Demi be a vampire? We are always together. Nothing ever happened to her. She's......She's alive. She never died." I said on the verge of tears.

"Yes. You're right. She never died, yet, she still is a vampire or to say vampire-to-be." Ethan said looking at me.

" is this possible then?" Eric asked.

"Listen, I promise we'll tell you everything. But right now all you need to know is that her life is in danger and we need to protect her." 

"Protect her from what?" Vernon asked.

"The other vampires. See, you all know about the Andresanos and what happened to them. Therefore, the whole vampire species are against humans and wants them to pay for what they did. However, Demi is the only one who can stop them from destroying every single human life in this town. Which is why they want to kill her before she completes her transition." Cyrus said leaving us all confused.

"How is she the one to stop the vampires? And what do you mean by before completing the transition?" Andrew asked, his tone still full of anger and concern.

"Demi was not born a vampire. But she has ounces of vampire blood in her system. It will take her 16 years to complete the transition. So, she needs to drink a vampires blood to complete the process. On her sixteenth birthday, before 12'o clock, she needs to drink the blood. Once she drinks the blood and completes the vampire transition, no one can kill her, at least not easily." Ethan said. 

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