The Sacrifice

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Chloe's POV - 

"Why would he take Mrs. Andreson?" Becky asked, confused as we got out of our cars standing in front of a forest, far miles away from Everfalls. Alpine Grove, a dark, old and abandoned forest. Getting even darker as we kept walking in, not leaving anyone behind. The tall and dense trees blocking the sunrays to reach in.  Our eyes carefully scanning every bit of the forest. Noah walking forward, followed by the eight of us and Cyrus and Ethan at the back.

"What is he up to this time?" Vernon asked, still walking.

"No one knows. Whatever he's up to, it's putting everyone's life at risk." Cyrus replied.

"Isn't he weird? His one and only enemy is Demi, so why did take her mom and Andrew." Riri said.

"Well maybe he just wants to torture Demi by hurting her loved ones. That's what he does." Ethan said looking around

"No, I don't think that's it. I can sense something, bad and dangerous." Celine said turning back towards Ethan, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, it is bad, okay. Keep walking, we need to get there soon." Noah interrupted calmly and I narrowed my eyes.

"Noah, what is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said, not looking at me.

"Noah." I called in a serious tone, making him stop and turn towards us. He left out a loud sigh before speaking.

"The Ritual." He said 

"Yes, what about it?" I asked

"This Ritual, it is perform to enhance the power of something or someone. Luther is going to perform this ritual so that the curse of Everfalls will be enhanced and no one will ever be able to lift it up." He said looking at all of us.

"Yes, we know that. And that's why he wants to kill Demi." Eric said

"No you don't understand. This requires sacrifice." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We know that Noah, he'll sacrifice Demi." Jane said

"Not just Demi." He said in a slightly high tone.

"What?" I asked slowly. He tightly closed his eyes and took a deep breathe and then looked at me.

"This Ritual requires four sacrifices. A human, a vampire, a witch and Demi. He already have a witch. So he took Andrew and her mom, so that he can sacrifice them too. Now we don't know who he's gonna turn into a vampire. It's either gonna be her mom or Andrew. But, both of them will be sacrificed. We will lose all three if we don't save them." 


Demi's POV - 

"Please Luther, I will do anything you want. Just let them go." I cried as I begged him for mercy. He laughed hysterically at my words as if I was cracking some kind of a joke. And then suddenly he stopped laughing and turned into a serious one making him look like the ruthless vicious monster that he was. And the next, he grabbed my mother's hair making her groan in pain.

"Nooo. Don't." I shouted as I panicked.

"I despise people who are with the one and only enemy of mine." He said still grabbing my mom. "I killed Celestina because she refused to bring you to us. She helped you escape against my wish. I killed all those little witches who helped you gain the power you have today. I tormented your little Noah and those Cyrus and Ethan brothers. You should be thankful I didn't kill them." He said with that creepy proud smile while still not letting go of my mom. "And now this women. She dared to raise you and make you so strong and brave that you are willing to fight me, THE LUTHER PETERSON." He tightened his grip as he shouted the words on her face while she whimpered in pain. 

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