Chapter 16

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We arrived home in good time and went inside, unpacking and collapsing on the couch. Loki wrapped me in his arms and we watched a few movies. I made sure to text Liv and tell her we were home. Loki helped me cook and then we settled down on the floor, leaning back to back as we read. That was how our days went for a bit. I got up in the mornings, went for a walk and then worked until it was time for my students to come.

We bumped into Cam and his boys once. Cam and Loki glared at each other and I greeted the other guys. Jamie, one of Cam's oldest friends nodded to Loki. "This the guy?" He asked.

I nodded and held Loki's hand. "Yep."

"Goin' well?"

"Going great." I smiled up at Loki and he smirked fondly at me. We said goodbye before Cam worked up the nerve to say something. Now, laying in bed beside Loki, I thought about how he had changed. No... not changed. Recovered? I wasn't sure. He was quieter and relaxed. I often caught him with a content smile on his lips. He was playful and romantic, occasionally making me dinner. But I had a feeling that he'd always been like this. He just needed someone to give him a reason to be open about it.

And he was very demonstrative. I wasn't used to being touched this much, the absent way he'd brush my arm or run his hands through my hair. I let him sleep in my room again - it didn't make sense to send him back to the couch anymore. Waking up next to him was beyond nice. Falling asleep with him was... tough. I had to fight the temptation to just give into him. 

And then I decided I didn't have to. So I didn't. 

"Are you sure?" He'd asked, hovering over me that night. I'd almost laughed but he looked so adorable, so earnest. I didn't regret it one bit. 

And it was perfect.

We still had to work things out though. Loki still had a temper. Peaceful as things were between us, I could admit to having an attitude and he had this god complex, this entitlement that I couldn't shake him out of. We clashed over simple things, doing the chores, money, respect. But I appreciated that as angry as I could make him, he tried not to raise his voice at me and he was careful with his movements. I knew he would never hit me but he made sure not to give even the inkling of an impression that he might.

Life was good to be honest. Really good. My tutoring and piano classes were going well. And I was beginning to consider going to college. I liked my job but I was good with kids and tutoring elementary grades wasn't hard. I started looking into starting an educational degree at the community college. I would transfer to the nearest university afterwards. My classes would take me away from Loki a little bit and I assumed he would be upset, possessive as he was. But he only smiled when I mentioned my plans to him.

"You'll make a wonderful teacher." He said. "I will be glad to see you with honors. And I'm sure your pupils will adore you, just as they do now."

Lily, his favorite of my students, always came an hour early so she could spend time with him. She had become his little shadow. Wherever he went, she followed. They didn't always talk. Some days she'd come, hug him and then sit beside him while they went about their own ways. Loki had miraculously managed to teach her the value of silence, something I heard her teachers were incredibly grateful for.

Her dad came to pick her up once and I went into the living room to find them staring at each other. They both smiled and ignored us. Lily's dad chuckled and waited. Loki watched his little friend with a knowing smirk. She was losing. Finally, she blinked and shot up, screaming in frustration. Loki chuckled and she handed him a Hershey's kiss. He sat back and waved goodbye. I shook my head and sat next to him.

"You made a bet over a piece of chocolate." I murmured.

"Her idea." He mumbled while he chewed.

Hours later, I was laying in his arms, staring up at his peaceful face. I'd fallen hopelessly in love with this perfectly imperfect man and I knew he'd done the same. I smiled and nestled in closer to him, sighing happily as I slipped quietly into sleep.

End of Part 2

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