Chapter 33

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I rode in the transport van to Bethesda Terrace, in Central Park. The media had been fed a false lead and the park was shut down. Thankfully, I got in through the security check no problem. Stepping out with Fury, I gave him a quick nod.


He stood stoically by the car but I heard a mumbled "welcome" in return. Tony and Banner were standing closest to me so I went to them while we waited for Thor and Loki, who were coming in the middle of a large security caravan. Tony nudged me.

"You sure about this?"

I dropped my bag and nodded. "Yeah. I think so." I hugged him quickly and seeing Bruce's shy smile over his shoulder, I pulled him down for a hug too. "I'm really glad I got to meet you guys. Circumstances beside."

Tony gave a halfhearted smile. "Hey, just remember I'm still here when you get tired of Mr. Freeze."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess the baby's middle name can be Anthony."

"Atta girl."

Seeing Steve standing on the other side of Bruce, talking quietly to Natasha, I went to say my goodbyes. They weren't the hugging type so I shifted on my feet and held my hand out to each of them.

Steve looked me over with worried eyes and a stern mouth - a look I was beginning to associate with him. "You be careful up there."

I smiled. "I'm not afraid of Odin. He'll get used to it." Natasha huffed. I saw the man standing behind her. He wasn't in the gear I'd seen him
in during the attack but I knew it was Barton just by the look in his eyes. As Loki's van rolled in and he and Thor stepped out, his calm gaze turned instantly furious. I stepped away, sensing it wouldn't be a good idea to talk to him.

Thor led a cuffed and still gagged Loki to stand in front of the others. The tesseract was brought and Thor held the other side of the container out to Loki. He waited for me. I shouldered my bag.

"Here we go then." Loki watched me with narrowed eyes. I set my hand in the middle of the container. "Ready?"

Thor had told him I was coming since Fury wouldn't let me into the room again. He hadn't been happy about it. I didn't understand what he was upset about but I sensed it was more about guilt than not wanting me around. Still, I knew what I was doing. Like it or not, I was coming to Asgard. So with a huff and a roll of his eyes, Loki grasped the other side of the container. Thor twisted it roughly. The tesseract hummed and glowed a bright blue, until the light surrounded us. I felt like the ground had disappeared and the world was suddenly gone.

Strangely, it felt like pressure. Like we were pushing through the walls of one world and into another. My lungs burned and my stomach rolled but I breathed deeply and slowly, like Thor had told me too. Finally, the ground returned but it felt smoother and flatter. I looked around, my eyes opening wide at the sight of a purple sky and two moons.

"Holy Jesus." I whispered.

"What is this?" A voice boomed. I jumped and spun around. A man sat atop a towering stallion. He blinked his one eye at me and turned his glare to Thor and Loki. "What is this?" He pointed to me.

"Excuse me?" I frowned.

Thor stepped forward. "Father, I-"

"I told you to bring the prisoner, not his pet."

Oh so the rudeness was a family trait. I stepped forward, ignoring Loki's hand grabbing the back of my shirt and Thor's arm moving to block me.

"Excuse you?" I said. Odin looked at me. "I am a human, not a pet."

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