Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've got important stuff going on but I had nothing to do today so I decided to write. I hope you guys enjoy this part. I'm gonna skip a long time here so that the reader is already insane but also feels nothing towards humans as of rn. Also the reader is very well known among humans as Error so if you see an android or a human calling the reader Error thats why.

(M/N)'s POV

'How long has it been....?'

'13 years....'

'Kamski has made more androids.... But the ones who become Alive like I am get destroyed.....'

'Why is the world like this? Why can they not let androids be like them?'

I was currently walking on the street looking for an android that was alone with out its owner. Why? I need its blue blood... Now I know what your thinking. 'Why take blue blood from others of your kind?' The answer to that question. I just don't give a fuck about them. They are nothing like me so why should I care about taking their blue blood when their owner is just going to throw them out and get a new one. Besides its not like it feels pain. Like I said they aren't alive like I am. They have no idea how it feels to be a mistake.

Once I found an android that was seemingly waiting for its owner I walk up to it. It looks at me. They can't tell that I'm an android due to the fact I'm not made like them. "Come with me...." The android stares at me before following me. We get to a back ally where I proceed to rip the damn thing apart and steal it blue blood. 'That should tie me over long enough until I find something more long lasting.' Suddenly a shot rang out. The bullet has missed me by a long shot but still I wasn't to happy to be shot at. I looked at who shot at me only to see two humans and two androids. The first human looked like an old man. He had long white hair and a beard. He looked annoyed. 'I feel for you. Its fucking cold and wet as hell out here.' The android standing next to him was the RK800 model one of Kamski's favorites..... The other android was like him but taller and seemingly more advanced than the 800 maybe a 900. The last human was some one I never wanted to see again....

I stared at Gavin for a bit. It seems his nose has a scar. Damn I guess I did that..... "Stop right there Error! Your going back to Kamski's!" The 900 said loudly to me. I ignored him and just kept staring at Gavin. 'He has grown up from that adorable little boy I saw.... He's fairly. Handsome.' I tilt my head at Gavin. Trying to take in as much of him as I can. I may pay him a visit if that 900 model isn't living with him...... I decided this is the best time to leave. I run at them using my stings to move them apart so I could get past them. But not before saying something to Gavin.

"I'll see you again soon Gavin~" I give him a kiss on the cheek before leaving and loosing them by getting onto a building.

Gavin's POV

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I didn't know the Android that everyone called Error was fucking him!!! I'm So FUCKED!' While I was busy having my mental break down Hank waved his hand in front of my face. "How the hell do you know him Reed...?" "He's Elijah's first android I was there when he made him.... Elijah called him (M/n) he was never finished so that would explain why he needs blue blood all the damn time....." I said back to him not really wanting to say I saw him every day feeding the cats I feed and slowly trying to get closer to him.... At the time I didn't know he was the android who pushed me into a fucking table as a kid.....

"Look I just want to go home...." I took a few steps and Nines (yes that is his name from now on.) tried to follow me. "No Nines.... I wanna go home alone..... You can stay with Hank and Connor...." With that said I walked home. In the damn rain bc my Dumbass self for got to bring a damn hoodied coat with me.... As I walked I didn't hear the foot steps behind me until something stopped the rain from falling on me. When I looked up it was an undrella. 'The fuck? I don't know anyone who would help me out let alone be nice to me....' Then I saw it.

My face heats up at my words as I stare at him. "You seemed cold Gavin. I can't let you get sick now can I?" (M/n) said softly as he pressed his chest against my back. His arm around my waist as if to keep my from running away. 'Jokes on him I don't want to run away. So ha!...... Fuck me.....' I was so red by now and so lost in thought that I didn't know I was home with him on my balcany. "H-how did we...?!" I asked stunned mostly BC I live on the FUCKING 30TH FLOOR! He just chuckled at me.

"Your adorable Gavin." He said placing me down. "But you should change or your really gonna get sick...." I quickly run to my room debating if I should call Nines or if I should let him stay and hopefully get something out of this.... Fuck it I'll let him stay...

Once I changed out of my wet clothes and into some dry ones I walked back out to him. Only to see him sitting on my couch fiddling with some blue strings. "Those look cool...." I say trying to start up a conversation with him.
"If only I could make more." He says with a chuckle as he makes them disappear only to look at me. God that gaze of his makes me shiver. I don't know when or how I came to like him so much. After all he did hurt me when I was younger. But something about what he said that day keeps sticking to me.

"I want to live! I don't want to die!"

Oh well he's not trying to harm me in anyway so maybe being out in the world made him calmer?

"Hey Gavin." I heard him call my name so I turned to him only for him to kiss me.


Cliffhanger lol. Next chapter will probably be Gavin's first lemon. Hope you enjoyed this I'll try to update more often.

The Error of all Errors.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora