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Chloe's POV

I woke up to a white room, I quickly realised I was at hospital, I pushed myself up and saw someone else in the room with me. I had to pinch myself before I realised it was the one and only Demi Lovato. I got up the courage and questioned " Erm hi Demi what are doing here"

Demi's POV

I had been at the hospital for around three hours when the doctor came up to me and told that the young girl had a broken leg and a few scratches and then asked me something terrifying. I gave him a horrified look as I thought about someone her age with cuts all over her body not only from me hitting her but from her self harming.

Two hours later

"Erm hi Demi what are you doing here" I heard a voice say and I instantly looked up to see her awake and sitting up. " Hi I'm here because I sorta hit you while you where walking across the road and I didn't have the heart to leave you" I smiled shyly then I added
"I'm really sorry about that by the way oh and by the whats your name"
"Chloe" she said shyly. At that exact moment the doctor came in and said "You can go home today Chloe"
Her face lit up but then all the colour drained from her face as she burst out in tears. I went over to comfort her so gave her a hug and she just cried on my shoulder.
"Shh it's ok baby girl I can drop you off if you'd like" I asked, she gently nodded her head.

Chloe's POV

We where now in Demi's car and she asked for the address so I told her the address and we set off down the road. About half an hour later she pulled up outside the home and she looked horrified when she saw the sign 'Miss Penny's Foster Home For Girls' I got my crutches and went inside as Demi silently followed behind. We were walking through the door when we where meet by a very annoyed looking Miss Penny she opened her mouth but before she did Demi said
" rm hi im Demi Lovato and im terribly sorry that Chloe is home so late and didnt go to school but I hit her with my car which also explains the crutches and cast, can I also speak to you tomorrow?"

"Its ok and yes I have a free appointment tomorrow at 11:30 if thats ok with you"

Demi whipped out her digital diary and said that it was fine. Demi insisted on walking me to my room even though i tried to object the idea as i knew that she knew something.

Demi's POV

We were walking up to Chloe's room as it was late so I decided that I was going to put her to bed and say night 'cause i still felt extremely bad that I hit her. We got to her room and she pushed opened her door to reveal a room which was really quite bland apart from all the pictures of me on the wall which made Chloe blush as soon as we walked through the door. Chloe went to the bathroom and came back minutes later in a bear onzie. She looked so cute. She got into bed and I kneeled next to her bed and threw her arms around me and started to silently cry. I pulled away and asked
"Whats the matter baby girl?"
" I'm just sad I'll never get to see you again" Chloe replied .
"I wouldn't count on that baby girl"
"What do you mean by that"
"You'll see tomorrow. would you like me to sing to you" I said
She nodded her head rapidly and sung nightingale to her. Her breathing slowed down, she was asleep.
"Goodnight sweetheart" I said an kissed her forehead.

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