1. Love at UA

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3rd POV.

It has been Three Weeks Since Deku had Fought his way to the top of the Open Entry Event tournament and regained entry to UA the Public gave him the titles of "The Devil Of UA, And The Boy Without Fear". Almost as exciting was the Buzz of his Engagement to Ochacho Uraraka while still being a High school students. Due to special circumstances UA allowed Both Deku And Ochacho to share a dorm room since they plan on getting married later this year.

Bakugou was also returning to Class 1A much to The school's dismay. Bakugou was beyond furious that he lost to Deku but even worst he lost to a blind Man who fights Quirkless. Bakugou was a joke to the world of heros and it filled him with rage.

Meanwhile Deku was Moving the last if his belongings in to his new shared dorm With Ochacho.
Now that they are engaged Deku began calling her Occhan which she loves greatly But with a shared dorm the were going to have to get used to new things together, with that came new rules, Nezu Made it clear if they planed in being intimate with each other the must practice safe Protected Sex and this was not up for debate so Ochacho had already been on Birth control to regulate her Period but It was Deku who surprised them when he said he bought Continuing supply of Condoms just in case

The girls of Class 1A were Trying to help Ochacho plan the wedding but so far all Ochacho knew for sure is she wanted Eri to be her Flower Girl, And Deku ask the Wild Wild Pussycats if Kota Would be the Ring Barer which the quickly agreed ,Deku also wanted All Might there as the role of his Father And of course he agreed then came a slight complication

Mina: So Ochacho Let's see that rock!

Ochacho: Rock?

Momo: Yes I am quite eger to see how A blind Man's Chooses to express symbol of love and commitment

Ochacho: What are you guys Talking about?

Tsu: They want to see your engagement ring.

Ochacho: Oh, yeah about that the thing is I don't have one yet hehheh.

Mina& Momo: WHAT! Midoriya Proposed without a Ring!

Ochacho: Well Yeah we just haven't picked one out yet besides I don't care about some peice of jewelry, I'll be happy with whatever so long as I'm with Deku.

Momo was in awe of Uraraka's selflessness and the purity of her love for Midoriya this is true love she was sort of jealous of Her Momo Had been harbouring feelings for Shoto Todoroki for awhile now but just didn't know how to tell him.

Mina was taken back by Ochacho's statement Mina was Dating Kirishima and she loves him with all her heart but she wondered if she will get to live a happy life with him.

Midoriya had just stepped into the common area cane in hand
He was accompanied by Kirishima and Shoto they were laughing until Kirishima asked Deku a question.

Kirishima: So Midoribro why do you carry that cane everywhere we all know you don't really need it even though you are blind?

Deku: Simple it much more than it appears it's a tool and If I want a weapon.

Kirishima was amazed and intimidated by Deku's answer.

Kirishima: So freaking Manly!

Mina Stood up to greet her boyfriend and Ochacho raced into the arms of Her fiance both couples engaged in kissing and hugging both Shoto and Momo felt left out Shoto thought now was the best time to Ask Momo for a date. He had developed a Hard Crush on her for about a year and just didn't know how to ask her out but with His Best friend Deku's help he decided to be forward about it.

Deku The Devil Of UA 2: Beware The Hand.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now