10. Battle of UA

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3rd POV.

Daredevil and Uravity along with countless other heroes stood at UA's entry then The rain came Tokoyami believed it to be a omen but it wasn't for Daredevil For the first time in a long time he could see Everyone and Everything around him in perfect detail(minus color) It was Breath taking he also knew the will make fighting easier. Daredevil smelled the air and under the smell of Rain he Smelled Smoke , Blood and Steel as well as multiple Deferent Body odors.

Daredevil: It begins, Get Ready For Battle!

On the Horizon was a massive Army of Hand Ninja and common criminals.

Ground Zero: Fuck Me!

Mirko: Maybe after the battle.

Bakugou looked shocked at the pro's remark and then her sexy flirty smile at him complete with a wink.

Ground Zero: Ah Hell yeah!

At the head of the Hand's Army was Nobu in full Red Gi attire.


Daredevil: Uravity, Ground Zero Meteor Flash!!

Uravity And Ground Zero use a team move where Bakugou creates flaming debris using Explosion,and Ochacho uses zero gravity then releases it when  it's in line with it's target Making a meteor shower attack.

Many of the Hand's Army were hit by the attack incapacitating them but there were many leftover

Then it erupted into all out war.

Heroes fighting villians in every direction.

Daredevil using his Billy club takes down opponent after opponent.

Bakugou was fighting along side Mirko and kicking all kinds of ass

Until Mirko is knocked down and is grabbed by two thugs holding her in place she kicks the leader in the face before getting smacked. Still resisting.

Thug: You got a little fight in you, I like that

Bakugou: Then your gonna love me!

Bakugou throws a explosive punch to the thug knocking him out then the two thugs let go of Mirko an throw her down as the rush Bakugou but he beats them without using his Quirk the last one ask who is he.

Bakugou: I'm vengeance!

Then Bakugou hammer punches the thug knocking him out.

Bakugou hears that the Inner gate needed back up.

Bakugou: Hey Sexy Bunny I'm going to help those losers out.

Mirko: Wait take this.

Bakugou: What...

Mirko kisses Bakugou and smiles.

Mirko: Now Go kick some ass Cherry Bomb.

Bakugou wasn't even mad about the name she called him Cause he just got kissed by a sexy Pro.

Bakugou using explosions propels himself to the site where the backup is needed

Iida: Bakugou You made it just in time.

Bakugou: Let's light em up:

Meanwhile Todoroki and Yoayorozu are aiding as Support and field medics

Kirishima and Mina Are on the front lines All might Is in the city protecting Tartarus.

Aizawa is fighting several ninjas and winning.

The battle is in the heroes favor but Nobu Won't let it end like this He must break Daredevil's spirit by taking away that what he loves most "Uraraka."

As the battles continue Nobu searches for Daredevil's beloved and takes out several heroes in the process. Until he see his. Target and Attacks her.

Uravity did not have much time to react so she rolled to the side dodging Nobu's attack in the knick of time.

Nobu: Time to break the devil's heart.

Uravity: Bring it on Dress for less!

The clashed but Uravity was Struggling with Nobu.

Nobu: I see fear in you Uraraka you Have hate you have anger but you don't use them that is why you lose.

Uravity began to use Muay Thai kickboxing to attack landing a few hits but he barely reacts then he head butts her then punches her face dazing her then delivers two hard hits to her stomach as she falls to her knees she prepares for death.

Nobu: Any last words?

Ochacho: Deku I love you and I'm sorry.

Nobu: What a waste(about to strike but he gets blasted by an explosion) what?

Bakugou: Get away from her you Bitch!

Uraraka: Bakugou?

Bakugou: Yeah round face it's me.

Uraraka: Why?

Bakugou: Cause I made a promise to a friend I intend to keep it. Now go find Deku The battle is almost over.

Uraraka: What about you?

Bakugou: I'ma roast me A Ninja.

Uraraka: I go get help I'm not leaving this to you alone.

As Uraraka tried to walk he felt her ankle was broken an Bakugou noticed too.

Bakugou: ah Shit

Then Bakugou got into his brawler stance and began his fight with Nobu.

(I know that this chapter was shorter but next chapter is going be Epic)( TBC)

Deku The Devil Of UA 2: Beware The Hand.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now