Act 3: Chapter Eleven

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Emilia simply stared at the three new individuals who had arrived, fearing them as she held Jesse. Jesse meanwhile, was laying on the ground on his back, still trying to recover with his eyes squinted and head facing the sky.

One of the individuals was a dark skinned woman who placed her pistol at the back of her rain jacket in her pants, as to show Emilia some sort of friendliness. The two accompanying this woman was a dark skinned man and another shorter woman, both equipped with pistols as well.

The tall woman slowly walked towards Emilia and Jesse, with hands raised up to her shoulders, "It's okay. We're here to help."

"Go away!" Emilia said.

The woman reacted by stopping in place, "We're not one of them. It's alright."

Soon, Jesse finally opened his eyes, and groaned as he tried to sit up, Emilia shifting away to allow this. Jesse then looked at the three individuals with skepticism.

"Jesse! Are you okay?" Emilia asked in worry.

Jesse simply gave her a nod, "I'm fine..."

"But you're hurt..."

"I said I'm fine."

The man from the trio stepped forward, pulling a grin upon seeing the blood stained around Jesse's wounded leg, "I wouldn't say you're fine man."

Jesse looked pass Emilia to address the strangers. Based on their clothing he assumed they were not members of the Vultures. "Who are you?"

"We're the people that just saved your life." the man answered, and although he seemed he had more to say, the tall woman gave him a glare, shutting him off completely.

"We saw you two getting chased by those bandits, and it seemed you needed some help."

Jesse looked at Emilia, noticing the dried up tears on her face, "You alright?"

"I'm fine, but you need help Jesse."

"Melvin could help him." the other woman interjected at the back, everyone looking at her.

"Just leave us be, we will be on our way..." Jesse said firmly.

"With all do respect, I don't think you can even walk in your condition. We can help you. We are part of a small group an hours walk away, with food, water, shelter and a doctor who can help tend to your leg." explained the tall woman, with a hand resting on her hip.

Jesse began contemplating in thought, while Emilia looked at Jesse beside him.

"Look, with or without them, we can't stay here for too long people. Those pricks will be back soon with more fire power, so I suggest we make this snappy." added the man.

"So what's it gonna be?" the tall woman asked, waiting for Jesse's answer.

Jesse glanced over at his leg, then back at Emilia, before letting our a deep sigh, "Alright fine..."

"Henry, help him up." commanded the tall woman, where the man named Henry immediately placed his pistol at his back, in his jean, and jogged over to Jesse. Emilia however refused to move away.

"It's okay Emilia, they're here to help." Jesse assured the girl.

Emilia was reluctant, but eventually she stood up and stepped back, watching Henry bend down to Jesse.

"Ready man?" he asked.

Jesse gave him a nod, before Henry lifted Jesse from underneath his arms, getting him to his feet. When Jesse had placed pressure on the leg which bore the wound, Jesse groaned again, bending the leg so that he only stood on one foot. Henry then wrapped a arm around Jesse's shoulder, and placed the other hand by his abdomen, to keep him stable.

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