Chapter Fifteen

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Two days later.

It was morning again, however the camp was not met with sunlight, but rather the gloom of enveloping clouds. The camp was empty and barren on the outside, but one could hear Lui and Kile chatting up a storm in their tent from miles away. Emilia was with them as well, but no one would know since she was quiet the whole time.

Meanwhile in the large tent, Jesse was sitting up atop his sleeping bag, with a pillow underneath his wounded leg, being covered with a new bandage by Melvin kneeling beside him.

"That does it." Melvin said as he finished covering the leg and moved back, "All is well."

Jesse looked at the bandaged leg, "You sure the leg is fine? Its only been three days."

"Believe me, I'm more shocked than you'll ever be. Your leg has healed up pretty well."

"It still has a sting to it though."

Melvin stood up from the floor, "Trust me Jesse. Out of all my times dealing with wounds, yours is really fine. Mostly. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are good to walk again."

Jesse continued to look at his leg in disbelief, "Really?"

"Based on how much your leg has healed up, at this phase the next thing you need to do is get it moving." Melvin explained, before raising both hands to warn, "But not too much movement, just a few walks or so. If you can keep that up, your leg will be perfect as it should be."

Jesse let out a sigh, "If you say so."

"Need a hand?" Melvin asked, giving Jesse an arm to grab hold off so Melvin could lift him off the floor.

Jesse grunted slightly as he stood up, placing more force on his right leg and letting the tip of his toes from his left barefoot to rest on the floor.

"Try and stand on your left leg." Melvin suggested while holding Jesse stable with both hands.

Jesse looked down at his left leg, slowly moving the entire left foot onto the floor. When it was over, there was no painful grunts of expressions coming from Jesse. He was relieved, and surprised at most. Melvin was surprised as well, adjusting his glasses with a finger to stare at the leg.

"See! What did I tell ya? Good as knew." Melvin exclaimed, while Jesse moved his left foot around.

"Leg feels weird but other than that... it's actually fine." Jesse replied in amazement.

"Wanna try and walk?"

Jesse gave Melvin a nod, which signalled the doctor to slowly move away for Jesse to stand on his own. He took two steps, first with his right foot. He walked normally to some extent. Other than Jesse moving incredibly slow because he was constantly expecting pain to surge, he walked across the tent to near the exit.

Jesse then turned to face Melvin, "I think my leg is fine."

"Don't get your hopes up, like I said, take it easy for say another day or two and you should be good to go. Or run."

"Thank you Melvin. I appreciate the help."

"No problem. But I have you know sleeping in the truck was not enjoyable."

"Sorry about that."

"Ah, it's alright. You and the girl needed the shelter after what you two have been through."

Jesse was quiet for a moment, "I think I'll go see the others now. I just want to finally get out this goddamn tent."

"Sure thing." Melvin ended, before walking over to the exit before Jesse and zipping it open for him. Melvin stepped out first, and Jesse followed after. Immediately the light breeze waved passed Jesse, and the fresh air outside was appreciated as well when the man breathed in and out deeply.

Remains of Humanity - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora