Chapter Thirteen

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It was early morning the next day, and Jesse was still resting in his sleeping bag. Emilia had woken up, climbing out of her bag and shifted to Jesse. She at first intended to shrug him but soon decided to refrain. Emilia thought it be best not to abruptly wake him knowing the temper he has.

"Jesse..." Emilia called, but he was still sleeping, "... Jesse."

There was silence so she leaned closer, "Jesse!"

The man finally woke up, "Huh..." he grunted, trying to open his bagged eyes.

"Wake up Jesse. It's morning." Emilia said, while standing up. The pyjamas she was wearing hanged over both her hands entirely and the pants covered her feet. Jesse soon tried to sit up, yawning afterward.

"You do realise..." Jesse started, yawning in between, "...I need to rest either way."

"Oh... Sorry."

Jesse faced Emilia, "Its alright."

Seconds later, the pairs attention faced the closed zip of the tent, which was the exit, being opened from outside. It was Linda, wearing a soft pants, plastic sandals, and a thin, grey, long sleeve shirt. Her short black hair was combed but one could tell she had recently done so to rid any messy morning hair.

"Morning. I thought I heard two voices." she said, walking into the tent.

The opening she had left by the exit revealed the outside was beamed by the light of the sun.

Emilia was in Jesse's way, so she moved a few steps to the side for Jesse to see Linda fully, the girl herself facing her as well, "Morning Linda..."

"Hey Emilia, did you sleep well?" Linda asked, Emilia giving her a nod, "I'm glad you did. Everyone is having eggs for breakfast. You wanna join us?"

Emilia looked at Jesse, "What about Jesse?"

"Its alright Emilia, I was gonna rest some more anyway." Jesse said.

"Don't worry tough guy, I'll bring you something to eat."

Jesse gave Linda a brief smile of gratitude, "You've all been too kind to us."

"It's no problem really." Linda said before looking at Emilia, "Lets go get you your plate."

Emilia turned to look at Jesse, "I won't be long Jesse."

"Go on ahead. I'll just lay here in the meantime." Jesse replied, watching Emilia and Linda leave.


Outside, the sun was beaming over the forest. There were some clouds around but not enough to block out the blue sky. Birds were chirping nearby in the tree's around the camp, and the smell of cooked eggs filled the area.

Emilia and Linda walked over to the camp-fire, alive again to cook egg above it. The egg itself was sizzling in a cast iron skillet under the heat of the camp-fire, all being handled by Melvin. Naomi was kneeling nearby, working with handing out finished cooked eggs to others on plates, while the two teenagers, Lui and Kile were sitting on a log, eating their breakfast with salt and pepper dashed over. Lui was wearing soft, blue pyjamas while Kile had a white shirt, and soft pants. Both wore plastic sandals.

When Emilia and Linda was a metre away from the camp-fire, Melvin was the first to notice them, glancing up at the two then back to the skillet to focus observing the egg, "Morning. Just about to finish up the last two eggs."

Upon hearing this, Lui looked up from her plate, still chewing the food, and saw Emilia. She quickly swallowed and waved, "Morning Emilia!"

Kile briefly looked at Emilia, and continued to eat, "Morning." he said before stuffing his mouth.

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