Chapter 23

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For one and a half hours, there was absolutely no conversation from either males, but simply both men walking non-stop through the forest, the sound of their shoes crunching the scattered leaves below. Both men each carried a bag in one hand, a bag on their back and a fuel can in the other hand, except Jesse also had the rifle strapped over him.

Henry was in front, and would not even take the effort to look back at Jesse, who had done the opposite by glancing at Henry from time to time. Two people were lost in this mission today, from both sides. Sarah was a kind woman, someone who deserved a lot more than what she was left with in the end. Losing her husband only reminded Jesse of what he had lost long ago, and having to recall the look on Sarah's face was almost a haunting reflection, only it was far worse, but right now it was not about Jesse anymore. Henry needed the attention now.

Losing his nephew surely broke something in Henry. Jesse was worried the man would snap like Sarah, and that was something he hopes would not happen. At the same time Jesse was also haunted with the fact that he could have done better.

If only I had helped earlier, he told himself. He tried to save the boy yes, but there is an emphasis on 'try'. He did not even know the boy was stabbed before Henry rushed to Kile's already lifeless body. Jesse could not help feeling guilty, while the hand carrying the straps of a bag gripped tighter than it was required.

Arriving at the power station would have been a sight for sore eyes, but after everything which had happened thus far, no one seemed happy. Opening the fence, Henry walked inside while Jesse tailed behind, finding Henry's truck parked inside near the two other vehicles. Based on the tracks of grass pressed against the ground leading up to the truck, it was clear this was parked recently. The two walked over to it, Henry digging in his pockets already to find the keys to the vehicle, while Jesse dropped the can and bag nearby on the ground.

Attempting to open the door with the key, Henry's hand gave a sudden quiver and resulted in him dropping the keys to the floor by accident.

"You alright?" Jesse asked.

"I'm fine." Henry answered in a cold tone, before furiously going down to pick up the keys and attempts to open the doors again. Once the truck was opened, the bags were loaded in the back seats, and Henry used one of the fuel cans to fill up the tank.

Jesse in the meantime, surveyed the area. The building was still barren and empty as usual and the generators were shut off for who knew how long, way before he and Linda last came here, maybe even before Linda and her group settled in this place. Looking back at Henry, while leaning on the truck, Jesse saw Henry finishing up then tossing the empty can in the truck. He might think there will be future use for it.


Henry looked down, "What..."

"You can talk to me you know."

Jesse waited for a while before Henry found the effort to speak, "He was like a son to me... Treated him like he was my own, ever since his father was killed by the virus."

Jesse started thinking about Margrath.

"I loved that boy..." Henry continued, struggling to find the will to speak as tears were already falling, "...and now his gone, because I chose to take him with me!" The last few words lead Henry kicking the tire with rage. The surge of pain in his feet was completely ignored. All Jesse could do was watch, and listen, "Tell me... Tell me how it happened."

Jesse faced forward, looking into the forest ahead, "He-He saved my life. The guy was going to stab me, so Kile rushed him... Your boy saved my life." The amount of confidence put into these words was on purpose. Henry needed to hear it that way.

For a brief moment, Henry gave a smile, then wiped his face with an arm, "Thank you... I needed to hear that."

"I'm really sorry for your loss..."

Henry opened the door of the driver seat afterwards, staring at the seat, "We should go. Fucking getting cold anyway." he said, before realising Jesse was not joining him or let alone moving, "Jesse...?"

Jesse moved away from the vehicle, holding the strap of the rifle over his shoulder while lowering his eyes with an accompanying expression of guilt.

"Jesse, whats going on?"

"I'm... not going with."

There was a pause, met with a confused look, "What?"

"I'm not going with you."

"What the hell are you saying?"

Jesse walked around the vehicle to stand before Henry, "I'm going back to the farm." Henry was awfully quiet afterwards. His confused look turned blank but only his lowered eyebrows stood out, "I have to go back. There is something I need to do."

That blank expression slowly became a frown, "... You serious?" Henry started as he looked down, "You going to do me like that?"

"Don't think of it that way-"

"You gonna fucking do me like THAT?" Henry yelled, while throwing his arms in the air, "How dare you! How dare you fucking make that decision after everything that just happened!"

"I have to do this."

"To hell with that!" Henry shouted, while moving closer to point a finger in Jesse's face, "If what you said is true, then I won't let you fucking go back! If you go, then Kile's death would have been for NOTHING!"

Jesse looked at Henry in the eyes, but remained quiet. He could not find himself to look away now of all times.

"NOTHING!... You hear me? Kile saved your ass only for you to decide to let it go to fucking waste, and for what? So you can get revenge?"

"H-How do you know that?"

"Linda told me, and at first I didn't give a fuck, but now I see why she felt the need to tell me. I just lost my nephew..." Henry continued, while throwing his finger around vigorously in rage, "... I lost a boy I loved like a son to some fucking random ASSHOLE, but you don't see me running back! Why? Because I'm a better man... I'm better than them, and you should be as well."

After hearing this, Jesse found the will to turn away.

"Don't you fucking look away! Did you listen to a word I just said? Fucking move on and forget about all this, because getting revenge isn't gonna bring your parents back-" said Henry, before a fist was sent striking across his face.

After Jesse punched Henry out of blind rage, he crashed to the ground. The fallen man was shocked, wiping his mouth to see blood on his hand and then looked up at Jesse, who regretted his actions. In time, Henry slowly found himself standing up again, but took a few steps away from Jesse.

"Henry... I'm sorry-"

"So thats how it is, huh...?" Henry responded, walking away to the truck, but before he climbed in he took one last look at Jesse while pointing a finger, "... I don't wanna see your face again, you hear me? If I see your face again, I'll-"

Henry forced himself to end right there, then once he was inside the truck, he started the engine and drove off with haste all while keeping his gaze away, leaving Jesse standing in the middle of the station alone and in the cold weather.

Holding the strap of the rifle with one hand, while the other warmed Jesse's right shoulder, Jesse watched as the truck disappeared into the forest. Soon after, the cloud filled sky let out a roar of thunder, which caused Jesse to look up. At any moment, there would surely be rain, so Jesse walked out of the station and headed to the direction of the farm, all by himself.

It was not like this was anything new to him. He had lost many people ever since his parents passed on, and every person left him for the same reason. It was always because of that reason. Jesse hated it, but either way he was alone once again and that's how it always has been for so long.

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