Chapter 1: Training (Magic Circuit)

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A/N: Hey, I had this idea stuck in my head and didn't see a version that I was satisfied with so I decided to try it myself.

You do NOT need to know anything about any of the fate stories to enjoy this one.



Another pencil burst in Izuku's hand. He looked down at his hand with comfort as he realized he hadn't accidentally launched wood splinters into his hand again. That was the longest the pencil had lasted being strengthened. The amount of focus needed for something like this was frankly getting absurd. After all, it was only...

Izuku looked up from his seat.

The classroom was staring at him and the small chips of wood on the table. Whispers filled the room as Izuku looked around and up at the teacher standing with his hands on his hips, as if he was waiting for him. The teacher's voice was a bit deeper than usual as he spoke.

"Midoriya, are you going to join us or continue your crusade against the pencils in your backpack?" His words drew a chuckle or two out of the room, but everyone quickly lost interest and began whispering to friends as the teacher scoffed and continued the lesson. Izuku wasn't as embarrassed compared to the first time this had happened, but it wasn't like he was getting any other time to practice. It wasn't like history class even gave much knowledge, considering it was all lies anyway.

Quirks started a few generations ago and got more complex as time progressed. The lie mainly came from the association continuing to try and hide magecraft after all this time. Izuku didn't like the fact that he had to keep his magecraft a secret, and the way everyone treated him didn't make it any more bearable. Because of factors outside of his control, this was his only path towards becoming a hero.

'Enough loafing around though,' He thought to himself as he began to write down notes to help him with the 'answers' on the test. The school life was bearable but he disliked the fact he still had highschool next before he could really start his journey towards becoming a hero at UA's university campus. Even so, his plan seemed sound. The only thing he had to do now was work and wait.


The teacher said his usual words and wrapped up for the day as Izuku began to quickly get his things together, If he was fast he could avoid... nevermind.

Before he even got his notebook inside, the blond brute had entered the room with a few friends. Izuku had been wary of them ever since he was a child. The boy standing there, Bakugo Katsuki, had a powerful quirk because of his mutations. That was one thing mages could never replicate. Almost all quirks worked on the fundamentals of magecraft outside of the mutations that develop like his. He had nitro—

Izuku's train of thought was stopped by a booming voice. "Can you hear me?!" Bakugo spat out as the green-haired boy came out of space.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Before he could get another word out, the blond grabbed the notebook detailing Izuku's magecraft training. Izuku grabbed it with a hand tightly as Bakugo smirked. Izuku knew what was coming next as he pulled it out of Bakugo's hands and shoved it in his backpack. He quickly put the backpack on and walked past the quirk user, slightly pushing him aside. He was sure for a second that he was dead, but all he heard was a simple, "Later, Deku" called out casually. Izuku stayed silent and left.


The walk home was oddly normal.

Well, it felt the same as every other walk to practice. Except for the fact that a few hundred meters away was someone making all the same turns. Izuku wasn't scared, but he did know the association sent people if you caused trouble or attempted to expose magecraft. His family was on the lower end of magical families, so it made no sense for anyone to be following him. For now, it was probably a coincidence, so he would ignore them.

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