Chapter 3: Breakfast

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This was the third time Izuku had woken up to see concrete right in his face. The difference was that this time his face wasn't pushed against it. Oh, and the fact that he was currently tied to a chair. That was the part he was having a bit of trouble with. Why face him against the wall? If they wanted to kill him he would be dead, but if they wanted to talk he would be facing them. Talking like this would be harder considering how little sound bounces off concrete corners like this. Understanding materials like this helped in his reinforcement even though reinforcing concrete didn't seem very useful right now. To be honest, reinforcement as he could currently use it wasn't very helpful right now.

He felt like a child in time-out. It was kinda funny considering the fact that the last thing he saw before passing out was a child.

A few moments went by as his head went empty. He ran out of ideas and thoughts to distract himself with and, without a distraction, he was forced to think about his current circumstances.

He was kidnapped by mages.

He was tied to a metal chair.

His hands tied together behind his back.

They were using what felt like zip ties on his wrists along with some kind of small metal cord to attach his restricted hands to the seat. Footsteps behind him every once in a while reminded him he wasn't alone and the whispering he could hear continued longer with time.

Izuku's heart was steady and his breathing was normal. Is this what being in shock was like? Izuku had never really been in a violent situation outside of Bakugou. In his case, however, Izuku could see through his raging facade and what he was really hiding underneath. It helped with diffusing situations in ways that ended with minimal bruises for himself. He was normally pretty calm in situations like those and it felt the same now.

The feeling was cut a bit short as he realized this wasn't a comparable situation and he felt his head overload with information related to kidnappings. He studied crime rates and stats for when he was going to be a hero but being kidnapped and knowing that someone his age and gender only had a fifty-fifty chance of coming home didn't make it any better to live through.

His options were limited to either waiting or trying to get violent, though considering the high probability his kidnappers were mages that wouldn't go very well for him. Maybe he could—

"One job Eri!" one of them yelled out while the other continued her ceaseless giggling. " fine! I'll do it myself!" He said as Izuku heard footsteps headed towards him. He braced himself as his chair was turned around and he saw his abductores.

They were basically kids... Well, one looked about his age but the other looked less than 7. The older one was a boy that didn't actually look too different from Izuku. Almost the same kind of hair if you ignored it's jet black colour. Everything else about him was just normal. A simple white t-shirt and jeans with a body that seemed a size too small for his clothes. The look was completed with a smile that didn't fit the atmosphere at all.

"It's great to meet you," He beamed as he waited for a response with any bit of enthusiasm. The kidnapper was awarded a blank stare. "Midoriya right? I'm really sorry to have to do this but I just need some copies of your family research. We failed to register the death of the family head; Hisashi Midoriya. So we're just here to get what we can for the association." His voice had a fake softness to it that was almost convincing. It was like a child playing nice to get extra treats. His diamond-shaped eyes revealed how he truly felt. Maybe with some practice, he could convince some people.

'One at a time,' Izuku thought to himself as he tried to answer and understand. The fact that he knew about magic and Izuku's status as a mage meant he was telling the truth. Though why they sent a child was beyond him. "Why am I tied up?" It seemed like a good starting question.

To Izuku; All the good of the worldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant