Chapter 4: Boy meets girl (IV) Past the night

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Just like that, another pencil shattered in Izuku's hands. He was so close this time. The only thing he needed to do was make it go forward. Momo stood up from her seat and walked over.

"You can't rush this kinda thing, you know." She smiled as she inspected the boy's hands. His hands felt rough and had faded cuts and bruises as she held them in hers. She felt a heat rise across her cheeks. Momo had done this so many times before, why was she blushing now?

"It looks like this time all the pencil fragments flew away from your hands. You're good." She had kind of become his nurse in these years spent together. He could always heal fast for some reason but it just felt right to bandage his hands up after a failed attempt. Though it had been a while since she'd last held his hands like this. He just didn't make many mistakes anymore.

"Yeah, but we have less than 6 months before the exam and unless I can do this by then I'm just stuck with regular old reinforcement," he complained. She gave a small giggle at seeing him so determined. These past four years had done that to Izuku. He had been practicing even more and it seemed to be paying off. His quirk had advanced to a point where Momo was unsure if reinforcement was even his quirk with how easy it became. He was reinforcing his arms and legs to work more efficiently, still with the occasional mishap, though it was getting increasingly rare to see something go wrong.

Momo realized she had been thinking for a while and stepped away from the hand she had been inspecting for suspiciously long. Izuku had recently started to work on a new method of using his reinforcement to combine his body and a weapon but he refused to tell her. He joked about Momo being his competition but she had a feeling he just wanted her to see him do it for the first time.

"Alright hand me a... large spoon," Izuku asked with a smirk. Momo laughed for a moment before making Izuku turn around. She lifted her shirt just below her bra as she began to materialize the stupidly large spoon. Izuku had always asked for dumb creations as a way to help her practice and for Izuku to get a bit creative with his quirk. The tip of the spoon came out of her abdomen as she gave it a solid metal knock against the ground.

"Alright it's done," she smiled as she stood the spoon up. It was about as tall as Momo herself, and currently, that meant it was a few inches taller than Izuku. It was like a sword from those RPG games.

"Holy hell," he responded, amazed at her ability. It didn't matter how many times she made something, nor how complicated the object: Izuku always had that look that made her stomach feel funny. She handed the boy the spoon as he looked over it. As expected, he couldn't lift it up with just his regular strength. He closed his eyes and within moments lines of blue extended from his hands onto the spoon making the shed glow brightly. In almost an instant the spoon had morphed into the general shape of a greatsword. Lines were running down Izuku's arms to show they were being reinforced to help carry the weight of the dense sword as he finished altering it. He gently placed it in the corner with all the others before taking a breath.

"Wow, you didn't make that easy," he laughed, doing a small stretch as he took a seat.

"If I made it easy you would never learn," she said as she did her own stretches. "You wanna get anything to eat? I'm feeling a little light-headed." She felt a little guilty lying, but it was so hard to get him outside of the shed, and she didn't want to seem too forward. He mentioned he was learning piano from a tutor, and for some reason that ate a large amount of time out of his day. She could see him looking for an excuse not to come. It hurt a bit.

"Actually... Sure, but I'm picking where we go; also, there might be some friends there."


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